1st download this xfile:
paste into address bar:
then paste this code into dbp
just change the path for the xfile to where ever it is on your hd.
`little dark physics thing by Dave A H :p
autocam off
position camera 0,25,-25 : point camera 0,5,0
make object box 1,90,1,90
`change this path here to the xfile....
load object "c:your path heredel.x",2
position object 2,0,2,0
phy start
phy make rigid body static box 1
phy make rigid body dynamic mesh 2
for n=3 to 10
make object sphere n,1
position object n,0,y,0
phy make rigid body dynamic sphere n
inc y,3
next n
for n=1 to 10
color object n,rnd(90000)
next n
if spacekey() then phy add rigid body torque 2,0,0.1,0,2
phy update