hmmm I must argue with u on that and here's the most common "bug" you may encounter while using pixel-perfect collision in a 2D platform : suppose u have an animated sprite and you are walking on a ledge. Now you suddenly make a jump and land right on the edge of the platform. Now suppose (again) that the mid-air animation(used while you are in the air) is somehow resembling with a crouching stance and suppose(yes again) that u find that precise spot for landing where the legs land outside of the ledge so they continue falling but u then stop cause your butt has collided with the near edge. You are now in a situation where you are duck-sitting on the edge, not falling and not being able to move, jump or whatever so you are STUCK
trust me, bounding-box collision is the best cause in the example above, you either fall on the ledge or outside of it
Could you help me treat my injured Dino-Fly ?