Hey, I found out about this awhile ago and there are some things I need to ask...
1. Can you make a free roaming game? (Grand Theft Auto, Postal 2)
2. How bloody is it? (It dosen't look really bad, which is good.)
3. I was watching a few tutorial videos for no reason really, and I saw one about triggering enemies by walking into a trigger point. Can you trigger multiple enemies at once?
4. What is the X10 thing that I've seen threads about? (Didn't read the threads,)
5. How good does your computer need to be? (Mine is really old... uprading in the summer)
6. DirectX 10? I'll be getting it when I uprgade my computer.
7. How well does it work with Vista? (Getting Vista this summer)
Do you like metal like I like metal? Aqua Teen Hungerforce rules.