Quote: "It might also be of note that you made the multiplayer multilevel launcher (if I remember correctly) so you might know more about this than the average forum member"
Actually,That was DBP part only,and...I knew that line was there and what it was for when i used FPS Creator for 2-3 weeks
Quote: "Possibly.I usually only dig around when I actually need to modify something.If it ain't broke...don't fix it"
One little note,FPS Creator is Broken...With all those bugs
Quote: "Nope, I've made an art of it "
Finally someone understands that you need to know what does what if you want to use the full power of the engine!
Quote: "Silent Thunder - Careful using the same code, make sure both games' levels are identical, along with characters and weapons - ex. if you have a box in high quality and no box in low quality, low quality players may be able to go through the box, while high quality player's cant - and that looks strange. BTW, if you just want to edit things like resolution, graphic quality, ect. a launcher would be better suited.
That is true indeed,Rather annoying.But true.If you make a low quality version make the texture size lower,Model Poly's lower.BUT place EVERYTHING in the exact same spot!