That's mighty nice of you guys.Not to take issue with you but there are some things I would like to point out.
While I am sure that some of the people who are becoming involved in this idea wouldn't mind seeing this get hosted by...who exactly is hosting this,running this and in charge of this?Are you guys planning on letting Airslide,Clips,myself or one of the other forum members run this site or do you guys plan on making the decisions?Who is going to be in charge of this?I personally don't want to be in charge but therre are least three others that have posted in this thread that could be and Clips already has a MP site set up.Why not work with him to do this instead of making up a new one?
Next...100MB is just not big enough.My latest MP beta runs just over 96 MB.It is small and I am still doing work on it.Unless Lee has come up with a way to lower file sizes (if he hasn't he should get in touch with s4real.This guy's app,Vishnu can cut file sizes quite a bit) 100MB just isn't enough.
Last,but not least,I think I speak for everyone when I say that they would rather that Lee be working on updates for this version of FPSC/x10 (though I suppose somebody else could handle the site).
A major overhaul of multiplayer is required before more than a handful of people will take it seriously...
Increase the number of players.
More options.
etc. etc.
I am not trying to be confronatational or cause a problem but let's face it...while I am working on my multiplayer game and all and there are others that are working on theirs we could get a lot more done and and do a lot more if there was multiplayer was fixed.
What would be really nice is if TGC had a dedicated server for multiplayer.I can host games myself but there are those who can't.
Then everyone can go to one place and play.
I think in the end we are going to have to do this a little of both ways.But I think we need to make sure this is run bu the members who care about multiplayer for those who care about multiplayer.In the end that is the only way it is going to be a success.
I would like to reiterate (if y'all haven't fallen asleep reading my endless post) that I am not trying to take a cheap shot or dig at anybody.There are a lot of good ideas here.We just need to get them implemented.