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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / care to explain more? [3D Maths]

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2002 13:06
I was just lookin at the command list, and the first thing I saw was all those 3d math commands. And I noticed that I have no idea what those vector/matrix commands are for...
Could someone explain where they can be used, and what for?
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Richard Davey
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 04:32
Vector math is useful for calculating things such as accurately deflecting a 3D object off another 3D object (i.e. a ball bouncing against a wall) or for mesh deformation. There are many other uses but suffice to say, if you don't know what it is yet, you probably don't need it yet



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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 13:38
Actually, I understand the concept of Vectors and the example you mentioned. I was just wondering what all those commands do. I mean, You can do those things without those commands...

so basically, I'm looking for some specific info.

I was "acting stupid" because that way, I usually get the more help than otherwise.

So, I can know make Vectors by just using one Command?

But what means BCC, Hermite and Catmullrom for example? What are they used for?

also, I know what FOV is, but what is LH and RH matrix4?

thanks for the reply anyway.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 18:00
Will there be examples about these commands just like to all others and what kind of examples they are? Please don't tell me there is only a brief descriprion and the syntax..

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 4th Sep 2002 07:42
Yeah of course you can do them without using the commands, but boy that would be some tedious coding required

LH and RH simply stand for "left hand" and "right hand" and are used in relation to a matrix. I.e. for building a left-handed matrix.

BCC = Binary Centric Coordinates (vector).

Hermite is a type of spline.

You said you knew about vectors and matrixes, so you'll know they're useful (indeed essential) for interpolation and transformation, these commands simply aid you in those processes. Without them you'll be defining arrays of 4 units all over the place to compensate



"Gentlemen, we are about to short-circuit the Universe!"
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Posted: 4th Sep 2002 13:50
thanks for the reply.

heh. I would have that guessed that LH & RH thingy... But I tought it would have been too stupid.

yep, arrays all over the place.
Good to know those days are soon over. Now I only have to learn to use them.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2002 14:37
I think it's wise for dbpro to incorporate as many math shortcuts as possible. There are two reasons for this -
Firstly, it makes our lives a lot easier, reduces our coding times, reduces the amount of bugs we're likely to have and for those that are bad at maths, it makes thing possible. More importantly though, even though dbpro compiles our source, we're still not dealing with a coding environment that is as efficient as the code dbpro was written in (I'm making assumptions here). By us rewriting the same function that the dbpro team created for us, ours will probably be much slower and less efficient.

I'm only guessing here, but I think the more maths shortcuts the dbpro team put in, there better it is for all of us, in many ways. And of course, if you dont want to use them, you dont have to.

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