I Modified the camera to follow parameters and it looks a lot smoother
sync on
sync rate 60
autocam off
GLOBAL MyBall = 1
GLOBAL MyGround = 2
GLOBAL MyMode = 1
GLOBAL MyForce = 5000
Make object sphere MyBall,10
phy make rigid body dynamic sphere MyBall
Make object box MyGround,1000,10,1000
position object MyGround,0,-10,0
phy make rigid body static box MyGround
create bitmap 1,10,10
dot 5,5
get image 1,0,0,10,10
delete bitmap 1
texture object MyGround,1
scale object texture MyGround,60,60
create bitmap 1,5,5
ink RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,255,255)
box 0,0,5,5
ink RGB(255,255,255),RGB(0,0,0)
box 2,2, 4,4
get image 2,0,0,5,5
delete bitmap 1
texture object MyBall,2
scale object texture MyBall,75,75
if upkey() then Phy Add rigid body force MyBall,0,0,MyForce,MyMode
if rightkey() then Phy Add rigid body force MyBall,MyForce,0,0,MyMode
if downkey() then Phy Add rigid body force MyBall,0,0,-MyForce,MyMode
if leftkey() then Phy Add rigid body force MyBall,-MyForce,0,0,MyMode
rem Control the camera
set camera to follow Object Position X(MyBall),Object Position Y(MyBall),Object Position Z(MyBall),30,50,10,35,0
phy update
I also adapted your texture method modified it and applied it to the ball it looks neat kinda like a 70's Disco ball ( that ages me)
PIV 2.8 MZ 512 Mem
FX 5600 256 mem