Nobody knows what's wrong? Here's the sphere and cloth scripts:
make object sphere 14,1
color object 14,rgb(190,190,190)
position object 14,9.5,25,8.5
phy make rigid body dynamic sphere 14
phy set rigid body mass 14,10.2
And the Cloth, the 4 objects are the bricks it's attached to:
phy make cloth 6
phy set cloth dimensions 6, 8, 8, 0.2
phy set cloth position 6, 6, 15, 4.5
phy set cloth damping 6, 4
phy build cloth 6
phy attach cloth to shape 6, 4, 1
texture object 6, 1
phy set cloth gravity 6,1
phy attach cloth to shape 6,10,1
phy attach cloth to shape 6,11,1
phy attach cloth to shape 6,12,1
phy attach cloth to shape 6,13,1
phy set cloth tearing 6,1
phy set cloth tear factor 6,1.5
phy set cloth bending 6,1
phy set cloth two way collision 6,1
Any help greatly appreciated