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DLL Talk / Can't move objects in Newton Wrapper!

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Joined: 10th Mar 2005
Posted: 20th Jun 2007 10:53
I've created an extremely basic little program that is meant to move a simple stickman model forward until he collides with a hut 500 units away. there's just a basic box around the hut, so the open door should still repel him. Problem is, he won't move!

The strangest thing is that I compiled this once and it worked just fine. The second time, and every time since then, it's failed to move.

I'll attach a zip file with the media I'm using plus the code. Here's the snippet as well for whoever's interested.

Thanks so much!!


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Joined: 10th Mar 2005
Posted: 21st Jun 2007 01:34

The problem was that the program needed this ONE SIMPLE LINE OF CODE. Apparently in Newton whenever an object comes to rest (or in this case starts at rest) it automatically freezes it. I hope this helps people who may run into my situation.

NDB_NewtonBodySetAutoFreeze StickmanBody, 0

THAT'S IT! I just put it before I did the release command and it worked perfectly fine.

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