I have made this simple guide for mazes because there a lot of people who aren’t good at making mazes. So that’s why I made this one. Have a lot of fun and I hope you learn something ^^.Oh by the way. This thing is friendly for all and the pictures are at the last chapter.
Chapter 1: Items
To make a maze on FPSC it would be the best to have these items
FPSCreator (of course)
A Few Pencils
One or Two Erasers
A squares Notebook with squares of 1/2th centimeter a square (The notebook with all the squares in. I don’t know how it’s called.)
A lot of patience and and fantasy
Chapter 2:First Step
Before we start with anything, I would like to say that too big and too small mazes aren’t really fun. So (try to) make them middle size.
First get your book and make a 40 X 40 square in it (The amount FPSCreator can hold)
First make a small entrance and a arrow. Indicated like in the first picture. The arrow is the start position and the lines are the walls. That’s the start of your wonderful maze. The entrance is made by a square and one side gone.
Chapter 3:The Second part of your maze.
First. How I have learned is by making a straight path towards the end. Mark the end with an X. Now when you have done that you should remove some walls and place them somewhere else. The time taking depends on the person who is doing this.
Chapter 4: The fake paths.
Now you have made the maze a bit empty with your holes. Now draw some random paths, make them connect, make them split or dead ends. Or other things. This is the most time consuming part and you would need a lot from your fantasy to do this right. Remember..Not too big and not too small.
Chapter 5:Traps *Evil laugh*
The final things are the traps. Make yourself some reasonable traps and write them up. A few examples are (Moving platforms, Locked doors, Moving Walls , Fire launchers, fake walls and other stuff)
The most important is that you make them up and that you erase the ones you can’t do.. not everything is possible.. *starts to cry* You should get yourself a thing to remember where the traps are ( F for fake wall. A wall with a circle on it for a door. A smaller square with a arrow where it moves to for the platforms and all other stuff..
Chapter 6: Pictures
Sorry for the crappyness of the pictures. I hope you understand them ^^ If you don’t, just say so and ill put on the original ones on paper <D
Ch 2:
Ch 3:
Ch 4:
Ch 5:
Final Words:
Well…Yeah..That was all..I hope you liked my guide =D and I hope you learned a lot of it..Good luck in the future and oh..If you ever made a good maze you can send it to me if you want ^^.
P.S If i made any typos or something in this long post.Just tell me =D.Thank you and G'day/G'night.
*casts a flame proof cloak over his thread and disappears*