"No eating a banana split while using.
No claiming them as your own or selling them in any way, shape or form.
No chocolate pudding.(sorry guys)
You MAY host them on a site, but make sure you mention that I Made them, not you.
And, I'm sorry to say, no using them to hypnotize people and turn them into mindless zombies and forcing them to eat brains even though they would rather have spleens, and then having them rebel against the government, because then I would be hunted down by a pack of savage llamas, and be eaten alive by canables.
Thank you and have a nice day."
(non quote) Crap that ruins half of my plans sepecialy the zombie one, dang it, o well, and by the way, I WILL EAT CHOCLATE PUDDING HAHAHAHAHAHA (and hipnotize ppl into eating chocolate puding and a bana split while using the program)
Army of One