This editor was first made for my next project but I think it could be useful for a few people.
Object creation/loading
Objects settings (tranparency, culling, glow...)
Lights creation
Material editor (each material can have 3 texture stages)
Shaders loading (you can then configure all its properties)
A scene created in one minute
A simple shader applied to a sphere
Download u1.01
In this version the code for importing your maps isn't provided because a lot of things will change and beacause it's currently a mess in my code
Update 1.01 fixes all known bugs.
The website is under construction (and actually it's my first one) so it's a bit empty and ugly (and in french
Camera commands :
MMB : move
Alt + MMB : rotate
Ctrl + Alt + MMB : zoom
If you don't have a middle mouse button, you can use the Shift key.
Please tell me what you think, especially if it's hard to use or if I've made some big translation mistakes