Hey nz0,
1) Yeah, shaders are not very difficult to use =) Here are some great links;
This first one is a good rescource to get to understand how shaders work. Would be a good read-
This second thread has an excellent shader pack, with all the DBP code to use them as well as examples-
To get shaded water, you would merely import your map from 3dWS (without the water, just the terrain) then create a plain and position it at the water level, then shade it. Check out the Fresnel Water in the pack above (second link) =)
2) This is really a question of game design. I mean, will the player be running (boating?) in a fast action paced style between the islands? If so, then they would have to be one big map.
If it is more RPG style, where you meander between the separate areas and each one is it's own village or whatever, the it would be better to make them separate and load them as the player comes to them. This would also give you leeway to make them higher graphic without a compy stutter.
I'm hardly an expert, but I do not think that DarkBASIC has a native support for dynamic loading. You might be able to get a plugin for something like it, but I have no idea of how to do it without stutters.
3) 3DWS, while powerful, is simply a modeling/ lightmapping package. While there are entities that can be used, I personally have not used them at all, only the modeling portion =)
The way a map would work;
1- Create a map and lightmap in 3DWS
2- Export it as a .dbo (natively exports as such)
3- Import the map in your game
4- have an entity placing system developed to input entities easily
Now, while this means you have to code more things, it gives you more flexibility. You would probably want 3 layers on any given map; Base (solid ground, pure collision), Scenery (trees, shrubs, doors, etc...anything that the player can still collide with, but need animations and the like), and finally Entities (players, enemies, NPC's, etc)
Three layers is a good system to start with. Use 3dWS to create your base, then hardcode or code a custom editor for your Scenery and Entities.
Tux is my guildmaster.