Hello All - Here's a list of things that I'm having problems with and/or questions about.
1: Is Visual Studio 2003 being "phased out" of the DarkGDK equation? Seems there are many .Net this and .Net that out there for it and the C++ version gets left in the cold. I chose C++ for speed's sake - was this a mistake? (Sparky's GDK release doesn't seem to work with VS2003 either
2: Is it impossible to make a DLL with the DarkGDK? I'd like to use FreePascal for development vs. .Net or Vc++ as I have YEARS worth of libraries etc that would help me put projects/games together faster if I could just make a simple DLL thunker to the DarkGDK (and others) so I can call them from whatever language I wish. When I tried it doesn't see the names like "dbSync". And I don't THINK I can just translate the headers because I THINK the LIB files are Microsoft propritary - but I'm not sure.
3: VC++ Express complains of missing reference libc.lib file. The only copy I have is for VS2003 and I don't think it is supposed to work - additionally I looked online and have yet to find a solution for this.
4: None of the sample files load for me - Both my VS2003 and VC++ Express complain about the project and/or solutions files - so - frankly I'm barely treading water here.
I'm going back to DBPro until someone offers some advice/tips/tricks etc - and I'll continue researching for awhile - but so far - my spirits got dampened a bit as I've been working all day long trying to make some headway. Note: Even though I got a "Hello World" to compile in VC2003 - without Sparky's DLL as a minimum plugin - its almost pointless.
Thanks for any/all help in Advance!
Jason P Sage
Know way too many languages - Master of none