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Program Announcements / Version 1.1

Andy Igoe
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Posted: 28th May 2003 17:00
You won't believe it's the same game!

Lots of enhancements over the original and most importantly of all, player movement speed bug fixed!

Available as a full download for new users and as a patch file for those with version 1.0
Pneumatic Dryll[/img]
Ian T
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Posted: 28th May 2003 20:24
Looks nice .

Just an idea-- I saw that your explosions had black lines around them in the other pics. Ghosting sprites like that seems to work extremely well for me. Tried that?


Famous Fighting Furball
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Posted: 29th May 2003 01:13
Much better!

I used upgrade file but have to tell you there is a bug in program somewhere! If you play game with backdrop on then turn backdrops off (or is it the other way round), when you next start a game it crashes with: Runtime Error 1003 : Could not load bitmap at line 155

Not the end of the world but still a bug!

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 29th May 2003 03:50
Deleted old version + upgrade and downloaded full version but it still crashes when you change from no backgrounds to having backgrounds and then start game.

There is also some graphic problems specially on level past the boss level where you see parts of the gui images in place of explosions! A weird sight indeed.

Still a great game though!

Gronda, Gronda
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 29th May 2003 04:10
Quote: "Deleted old version + upgrade and downloaded full version but it still crashes when you change from no backgrounds to having backgrounds and then start game."

It's the sort of setting you change only once and when you do it's saved to disk.

Quote: "There is also some graphic problems specially on level past the boss level where you see parts of the gui images in place of explosions! A weird sight indeed."

I've spotted this one, I think it's actually playing the bonus animation for a pickup you didn't collect on the previous level, or something similar - it makes an asteroid with it's correct graphic but the bonus animation flag is on, it increments the image displayed until it reaches the bonus frames then cycles through them.

I think these are relatively minor and rare enough not to justify a patch release at this time, perhaps when I have a few more things to add or if more bugs are spotted.

Thankyou for the bug report, i'm off to shoot the beta testers now

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 29th May 2003 04:22
Yeah I think you are right - New patch not needed. Turning backgrounds on and off is not something most people will do. It's just that I could not decide between pretty graphics and blank background. I'm afraid to say I found the backgrounds a bit too bright and detailed and and so gone back to boring black background (sorry!). At least I can see what's going on now.

Right, back to the game and try and beat snaggletooth. Hang on, it's 1:22 in the morning and got to get up early for work. Maybe a quick couple of games!!!

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 29th May 2003 22:42
Hi, the ship speed is much better now. Only problem I have is with the sprites. The sprite movement is smooth, but about once every second they appear to jump forward a few pixels, then jump back again. This happens very quickly and makes the game jerky.
Well, at least I no longer have to push the thrust key though the keyboard in a vain attempt to get the ship moving.

I like the load screen. Nice job
I agree with Sonic about the backgrounds. Far too bright for me

Great game
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Posted: 30th May 2003 00:51 Edited at: 30th May 2003 01:00
That’s amazing. Honestly, if you haven’t downloaded this game I strongly recommend that you do. This is one of the best asteroid games I have EVER played.
The speed-up makes all the difference.
What seems like hundreds of asteroids swarming all over the screen, missiles shooting off in all directions, explosions going off all over the place, and no slowdown! It’s an amazing sight, and a heart stopping experience. Kudos Banshee.

I like the level where the asteroids lined up across the screen. Reminded me of the spiked barrels (? It’s been so long…) in Super Stardust.


@ Andy Igoe.
You might want to start thinking about getting a better score
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 30th May 2003 02:17
Preface: I'm currently blind drunk...

Quote: "Only problem I have is with the sprites. The sprite movement is smooth, but about once every second they appear to jump forward a few pixels, then jump back again."

This is most likely background tasks on your computer, although Asteroids will play at the same speed on all machines there is no framerate dampening so any minor spike in system performance will echo through to the smoothness of the game.

Perhaps in a future patch this will get changed.

Quote: "I like the load screen. Nice job"

Quote: "I agree with Sonic about the backgrounds. Far too bright for me "

They're there to look pretty, and I think they do the job well - but to be honest anything I put in the background is going to detract from the game which is why I made them optional. They are also a massive framerate hit.

During development I was actually playing an episode of Buck Rogers via an .avi as the background image. It was quaint, but implausable. However that idea did lead to us doing our first game cinematic for the Asteroids intro I also had for a while a Star Wars fan film called Beer Wars (downloadable from which really has to be seen to be belived.

If you go there, I also recommend Pink Five, although it never made 'Asteroids Background' status it is a blinding example of a Star Wars fan film.

There is another film I also highly recommend, although I can't remember the name, but the premise is the film is an advert to join the Imperial army - it's a class piece of 3D film making, and if you are on broadband and in your 20's or 30's you are doing yourself an injustice if you havn't seen it.

Quote: "I like the level where the asteroids lined up across the screen. Reminded me of the spiked barrels (? It’s been so long…) in Super Stardust. "

The inspiration was Tetris, I originally had an easier version of that level earlier on in the game but Nick hates it and asked me to remove it completely but I liked it, so knowing that Nick isn't too hot at playing arcade games I snuck it in near the end

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 31st May 2003 01:11
How was the hangover?

The sprite movement isn’t really a problem. After I finished playing last night, I found I hadn’t even noticed the jumping.

I agree the backgrounds are nice and some people will no doubt enjoy playing with them switched on. I think it’s great that you have the option to choose either way

Thanks for the link. Lots of interesting stuff to look through.
I watched Beer Wars and Pink Five. They’re both extremely well done. I particularly liked Beer Wars; it’s a quality piece of work with some great special effects. It’s amazing what people can do these days.

I’m going to work my way through all of them over the coming weeks. Hopefully I’ll come across the other one you mentioned.

I think your intro .avi is great. It has a retro feel that’s perfect for the game. Very good for a first attempt.


Btw. is there a pause button?
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 31st May 2003 15:55
Nope, the only hidden control is one to display your framerate, i'll consider it on next Wednesdays patch.

I'm fixing the two minor bugs in 1.1 and possibly introducing a solution to Snaggletooth syndrone on Netscore.

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 31st May 2003 20:06
A pause option would be great

I know what you mean about the high score table. A good option would be to only upload a score if it beats the username’s previous highest, and if you want to reset the table to its original state then I don’t mind at all.

Andy Igoe
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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 11:39
I wont be going quite that drastic

I did pre-empt this and whilst programming was going to do a player profiling system and only show the top scores for each player.

I didn't write it, but now i'll do something similar - although a bit simpler.

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 14:43
Did you fix where your bullets went slower than you if you were going full speed? I hated when my plane got there before my missles did.



Loki D'Cat - Modeller, Composer, Animator
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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 15:59
Hi, I just got a runtime error:

Runtime Error 302 – Sprite does not exist at line 798

It happened towards the end of a level. There were a few asteroids left on screen, the green UFO was bombing about, I was firing the double missile weapon, and I had just detonated that shock wave thingy.
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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 17:14
I'm hot on your tail Snaggletooth! How did you get to number 1!

Hopefully PN will update the website to show you as having high score. I thought it might update automatically, but obviusly not...

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 18:06 Edited at: 1st Jun 2003 18:17
Hi I've darkened the backgrounds for people who want darker backgrounds.

There are 2 zips 4 in each..put them in the background folder.

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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 19:31
Hey Sonic, go for it! 77570! That’s a top score!

How did I get to no.1? I don’t know! lol It was tough I know that much.

I played a game this morning where I thought I would beat my best. I had about 60000 and 3 ships and had just started a new level. From that point everything went wrong. I totally lost the plot and got whipped out in about 30 seconds! Bummer.

I’ll have a look
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 19:42 Edited at: 1st Jun 2003 19:49
Quote: "Hopefully PN will update the website to show you as having high score. I thought it might update automatically, but obviusly not..."

No sorry, I could never decrypt the file with a server side script - far too complicated! I check it every day or two because I like the odd game myself, but i've been taking an easy weekend - there was a Grand Prix on you know...!

EDIT: Just did the update, at least I think I did - because NTL cache's my page I wont be able to see and check the update until tommorow... Perhaps it is time for me to restart my email campaign to get the site excluded from their cache server....

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 20:05
Site updated OK.

Started watching Grand Prix but it just doesn't do it for me anymore. So decided to trim my hedge instead! (could only just about get in front door because hedge had grown into a jungle within last few weeks).

I have the same problem as Snaggletooth in that I get quite far into game and have 3 or 4 lives and then blow them all within seconds! Have to learn not to break up too many big rocks at once.

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 20:37
Need to update it again
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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 21:02
So I noticed! 100,000 is nearly there!

Gronda, Gronda
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 1st Jun 2003 23:04
On the one hand congratulations Snaggletooth for a very impressive top score.

On the other hand I would like to personally thank the idiots who are swearing on netscore - how very responsible of you to use such obseneties on a service children will read.

Point taken though, I had considered adding a bad words filter but I honestly thought that it wouldn't be needed.

I will now waste much of Monday, when I could have been working, adding a bad words filter to the service.

Thankfully, the version sensor on Netscore is robust so this grafitti can and will be remove permanently.

I may also be including some passive revenge code (creating huge hidden files etc) and possibly some spyware to sniff out and make public the details of any players who post obsenities such as IP#, user and computer name, tracert, ISP, email address etc. - legalities pending.

My appologies extend to those that have been affected.

Netscore is a zero tolerance service used by children and adults.

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2003 23:41
Sorry to hear you had to waste your time because of a few morons.

I'll update my 20 liner as soon as I’ve finished playing Asteroids. Alright!
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 4th Jun 2003 23:28
Version 1.21 has been released and Netscore is now back online.

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 5th Jun 2003 03:14
Right, time to get snaggletooth (and his alter-ego, snaggeltooth) off the top score!

A confession to make (bows head in shame): One of the 'dodgy' names was done by me, the one about a moose. I didn't think it was that bad. Not as bad as the ones with swear words in.

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 5th Jun 2003 10:01
Quote: "Right, time to get snaggletooth (and his alter-ego, snaggeltooth) off the top score!"

Just play as much as I did and you’ll have no problems.

I'll update my 20 liner as soon as I’ve finished playing Asteroids. Alright!
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 5th Jun 2003 12:03
Quote: "How did I get to no.1? I don’t know! lol It was tough I know that much. "

that and years of quickly trying to push buttons probably has helped lol
though i appear to have a free morning whilst i have Brent doing my work all for me think i'm gonna actually relax for once hehee
lets see what Raven can do

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Posted: 6th Jun 2003 02:54
Who's the daddy!

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 6th Jun 2003 08:55
You the daddy!

I'll update my 20 liner as soon as I’ve finished playing Asteroids. Alright!
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 6th Jun 2003 20:43
Quote: "A confession to make (bows head in shame): One of the 'dodgy' names was done by me, the one about a moose. I didn't think it was that bad. Not as bad as the ones with swear words in."

Nick and I discussed shagamouse and he felt that it was OK, although borderline - however it was clipped anyway because the bad word filter is the all-seeing all-culling god and it detected the word **** as part of the name - personally i'd rather have no filter at all as now that it is there i'm sure people will try and beat it

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 7th Jun 2003 00:35
Sorry about that, I was being incredibly childish (even though I'm 34!). Maybe the drink had something to do with it.

Glad to see you put me on your news page as getting top spot, but you changed high score on website but left snaggletooth's name!

Not that it matters now as he now has over 100,000!

Well done Snaggletooth (*said with gritted teeth* )

Oh well, got whole weekend to get back up top.

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 7th Jun 2003 02:04
Arrgghhhh! Crashed: Sprite does not exist at line 807.

On about 87000 and I think it was as I hit something and lost the last bit of my last life and game would be over. As score was not high enough I don't care but what if I got well over 100,000 and it crashed before I put my name in? I would be really hacked off!

Gronda, Gronda
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 7th Jun 2003 05:55
Quote: "Not that it matters now as he now has over 100,000!"

I swear I typed your name in, Microsoft have a lot to answer for. I'll update Snaggle's new score tommorow, it's too late in the day now.

Quote: "Arrgghhhh! Crashed: Sprite does not exist at line 807."

Bah - how many games have you played and it crashed once !? Is anyone ever happy ?

I see what's wrong, you died with a power up running (the shimmering shield which kills big rocks but ignores small rocks), the game finished when the small rock hit you and consequently deleted all the sprites, then the shield tried to remove the sprite for a big rock - and it wasn't there.

A sloppy bit of programming not having an error trap.

Oh well, tough luck.

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 7th Jun 2003 16:10
i can't get past 14,000 ... i'm so bad at this type of game hehee

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Posted: 7th Jun 2003 18:21
Quote: "Well done Snaggletooth (*said with gritted teeth*)"

*Basks in his glory* lol
But seriously, thanks
Same age btw.

Keep at it, it took me a fair few goes to get through the 20000 barrier, and god knows how many games I’ve played to date.

I'll update my 20 liner as soon as I’ve finished playing Asteroids. Alright!
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Posted: 9th Jun 2003 03:05
Phew! Back to number 1 spot.

Can't remember last game I played where my heart rate rose so much!

Come on everybody, download this game now and give me and snaggletooth some worthy opponents (if you think you're hard enough).

If you download it and don't like it, I'll eat my hat.

*quickly bakes a cake in shape of a hat*

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 9th Jun 2003 20:36
Well done Sonic! Good shooting Sir.

I’d like to echo what Sonic just said. It’s a top 2d shooter, and well worth the mb’s.

And if you don’t like it, I quite fancy a slice of Sonic’s hat - if there’s any going spare.

I'll update my 20 liner as soon as I’ve finished playing Asteroids. Alright!
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Posted: 12th Jun 2003 03:05
Well done Snaggletooth for getting back to number 1.

What's that I see...

Yes I do believe It's me back to top spot again!!!!

It's now midnight and for some reason I play better when I'm literally falling asleep.

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 12th Jun 2003 23:02
Nice one I nearly choked on my Shreddies when I saw your score.

I foresee a heavy asteroids session tonight

I'll update my 20 liner as soon as I’ve finished playing Asteroids. Alright!
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Posted: 14th Jun 2003 15:58
Sorry for this naff post

So as not to cause more problems with the Asteroids high-score I will continue to use my old username.

Just had to change. I hated the old one Soooo much.

Asteroids name: Snaggletooth
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 16th Jun 2003 03:35
lol... Well Snaggle i think its probably more because i'm useless at these kinda games but it is fun when i'm bored

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Solidz Snake
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Posted: 16th Jun 2003 16:44
Just something I found:
'Runtime Error 1003 - Could not load bitmap at line 164'
Happens when I tried to start a new game, after I died.

Hope it helps to notify u

Snake? What happened? Snake? Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!! - Colonel Roy Campbell

Andy Igoe
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Posted: 16th Jun 2003 17:04
Line 164: " endIf"

Um, OK i'm stumped.

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 16th Jun 2003 18:34
I get that a lot too. Always when starting a new game. Can't remember what line. I'll make a note next time it happens.

Still get the odd occasion that a rock cycles through all the sprites ending up as bonus icon flying as if it was a small rock!

PN: When you get the megaburst thingy that explodes all big rocks into small rocks, is it supposed to make the rocks rotate as if centre of rotation is off. It's as if rotation of each small rock is inherited from big rock. Also makes them hard to hit as bullets sometimes go right through them. I assume rock is being drawn in different place you are checking for collision.

P.S. I HATE the megaburst thingy as I always get it at start of level when there are loads of big rocks and then after mega explosion you have hundreds of little blighters flying all over the place. You are virtually guaranteed to die!

Another thing is the levels with the big brown rocks that explode to three small rocks with turrets. Sometimes you are only left with the turret flying around shooting you!

Hmmm, anything else...


Gronda, Gronda
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 16th Jun 2003 19:42
Quote: "PN: When you get the megaburst thingy that explodes all big rocks into small rocks, is it supposed to make the rocks rotate as if centre of rotation is off. It's as if rotation of each small rock is inherited from big rock. Also makes them hard to hit as bullets sometimes go right through them. I assume rock is being drawn in different place you are checking for collision."

Is it supposed too? No.
Does it happen? Yes.

Quote: "P.S. I HATE the megaburst thingy as I always get it at start of level when there are loads of big rocks and then after mega explosion you have hundreds of little blighters flying all over the place. You are virtually guaranteed to die!"

And I bet your adrenaline really starts pumping? That's the whole point of playing games afterall

Quote: "Another thing is the levels with the big brown rocks that explode to three small rocks with turrets. Sometimes you are only left with the turret flying around shooting you!"

This one is news to me, I take sollice in it's rarity.

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 16th Jun 2003 22:38 Edited at: 16th Jun 2003 22:42
Quote: "'Runtime Error 1003 - Could not load bitmap at line 164'
Happens when I tried to start a new game, after I died."

Strange, that’s never happened to me, and I play a lot of games.

Quote: "P.S. I HATE the megaburst thingy as I always get it at start of level when there are loads of big rocks and then after mega explosion you have hundreds of little blighters flying all over the place. You are virtually guaranteed to die!"

I love that! I find I can complete the level with less damage taken. Must be my superior manoeuvring skills! lol

Quote: "Another thing is the levels with the big brown rocks that explode to three small rocks with turrets. Sometimes you are only left with the turret flying around shooting you!"

I get that.

Quote: "Oh yes, I'M STILL NUMBER ONE!!!!!"

Watch out - I increased my best by 2000 odd last night, and I shan’t stop playing tonight until I increase it further. Your days at No.1 are numbered young Sonic - make the most of them while you can.

Asteroids name: Snaggletooth
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Posted: 17th Jun 2003 02:52

Quote: "Your days at No.1 are numbered young Sonic - make the most of them while you can."

Who are you kidding! Have you checked out my new score I just got!!!

P.S. Just to let you know you were SO close to getting another life and possibly beating me (117000 or so gets you another life!)

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 17th Jun 2003 09:12 Edited at: 17th Jun 2003 09:38
*Retracts statement and waves white flag*
*Cries into bowl of Shreddies*
Quote: "Who are you kidding!"

Myself! lol

Wow! That’s an amazing score! You are the Master!

Thanks for the info. I was wondering when if you ever got another life!

Edit: There was some truth in my post. I did up my score again, by about 200 lol

Asteroids name: Snaggletooth
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 17th Jun 2003 12:46
New Lives
and so on...

Pneumatic Dryll

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