Well, a while ago I was trying to make an RPG that had the potential to try out a new way of doing simple online games, but we never got that far, because we had so many problems making the game:
1. Joe (Who was helping) has Windows XP and Linux on his PC and normally only Windows XP works with the internet, but for one day (would have been more, if we hadn't found the cure) it decided to swap round and make only Linux work with the internet. So we lost a day there.
2. The FTP server we were using to test our new online play, decided to suddenly turn into a 7 day trial.
3. Once we got a new FTP server, it decided not to work with Dark BASIC Professional and wouldn't actually let us put anything on it.
4. (The 4th reason isnt worth mentioning, but basically my friend kept trying to get me to play stuff which I know would draw my focus on the project.)
5. I then had GCSE mock exams. -.-
6. Finally, we got tired of the very basic animated character we were using for the project and wanted a new 1. So I spent ages looking through Gamespace light tutorials to find out how to UV map so we could make a more complex character, made out of 1 wiremesh, not 5. Once I'd done all this then started to animate it, it worked in Gamespace Light but when exported to .X format, it suddenly didn't work whenever I used it in Dark BASIC Professional. I tried everything and changed loads of settings about this, amazingly low quality textured, man but nothing worked. And still, I have this animated object (just the walking animation) that just will not "walk" in Dark BASIC Professional.
Many days later (Well about 5.)
We stopped the project because it seemed everything was going wrong.
A few days later, I made this thread just to find out, what exactly went wrong with my character. At the time, I tried everywhere, including the Gamespace Light forums for a solution and just couldn't find anything. So with that in mind, I wrote this thread, appealing for help and a solution maybe.
Soharix HQ
EDIT: Another problem has occured. When I close Gamespace Light it comes up with a dialogue window telling me some things and that to be able to make money with Gamespace I must purchase the full version. Does this mean I'm not allowed to sell anything with any element relating to Gamespace Light? If so; that's really gay, and it shouldn't be advertised as just a free version of Gamespace with some things taken out.
<a href="http://www.soharix.homestead.com/Recre_John_Hits.html"><img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y20/Joeeigel/rj07.png"></a>