The Vector Lessons - I'll have to go back and check them out again when I can concentrate - my first glace had my head hurting by page 3!
I never took the advanced math classes - and I wish I did. Good Coder - Good at implementing algorithms - terrible at making them up - and if/when I do - I know a good math person could tighten them up to more than half the size by applying algebra.
I have my strengths and weaknesses - I'm awesome with pointer math, classes, double linked lists, assembly language if need be ... but whoa!
As for your CODE - Thank You. I will peruse it now - as I have my own "OBJECT" code for DarkGDK - to generate object id's and manipulate "things". What I may do is integrate the two - namely the "maths" you have written if its all the same to you!
Thanks! Much Appreciated!
Jason P Sage
Know way too many languages - Master of none