you can only carry 1 wep with the script in the player start.
BUT if you want to start with a list of weps as you have listed pile them up under the player start icon, you might not like the Picked up ammo + weapons message on screen,
you can get rid of this, 1 way is to edit picked up ammo image and turn it PURE BLACK in paint prog so its transparent, saves any errors if you was to remove path from entitys file.
down side to this any ammo or weps in mission will not display msg either. but it dont actually tell what type i.e picked up autoslug ammo ect etc. IMO its not important as you have sound to tell player.....
annoying thing, is ammo count if you split a large single level up in to sections to keep game fast there no way of carrying your ammo count accross to new section, if you get what i mean. its down to guess work at player start point.
hope this helped