A very very useful program which can load and position (in realtime) images onto the screen, and stores click coordinates into a text file. very easy to use, and very flexible.
Use this for finding the coordinates of buttons, or where to place a picture onto the screen, or where to draw an object, ect. just load images onto the screen, and get clicking!
please credit if used!
sorry if i seem a little too enthusiastic but this program took me hours to make, it was unbelievably buggy!
`mouse position detecter & storer
`this code is useful when you need coordinates for buttons, pic positions, ect
`please drop me a note at my website if you found this helpful!
`credit if used!
`by aralox
file = 0
li = 0
nv = 0
dim name$(32)
dim imagepos(9,2)
dim imagesu$(9)
print "welcome to the mouse position detecter & storer"
print "how many storage variables? (type in 909 to end)"
input sv
if sv = 909 then end
undim storagevx(sv)
undim storagevy(sv)
print "do you want to load an image? (y) you can have up to nine"
input iml$
if iml$ = "y" then gosub loadimage
dim storagevx(sv)
dim storagevy(sv)
num = 0
mousedown = 0
file = file + 1
imagestatus = 0
nv = nv + 1
currentimage = 1
mx = mousex()
my = mousey()
print "mouse x = "+str$(mx)+" , mouse y = "+str$(my)+" "+str$(num)+" out of "+str$(sv)+" numbers stored. press upkey to finish"
if num<sv then print "position x "+str$(storagevx(num))+" and position y "+str$(storagevy(num))+" has been stored"
if num=sv then print "storage variables exausted. press the upkey to save"
if inkey$() = "1" then currentimage = 1
if inkey$() = "2" then currentimage = 2
if inkey$() = "3" then currentimage = 3
if inkey$() = "4" then currentimage = 4
if inkey$() = "5" then currentimage = 5
if inkey$() = "6" then currentimage = 6
if inkey$() = "7" then currentimage = 7
if inkey$() = "8" then currentimage = 8
if inkey$() = "9" then currentimage = 9
if currentimage = 0 then currentimage = 1
text 0, 440, "Image "+str$(currentimage)+" is currently selected."
text 0, 460, " press 1-9 to select and move around an image with the right mouse button."
if mouseclick() = 1
if mousedown = 0
mousedown = 1
if num<sv
num = num+1 : storagevx(num) = mx : storagevy(num)= my
for refreshimage = 1 to 9
if image exist(refreshimage)
paste image refreshimage, imagepos(refreshimage,1), imagepos(refreshimage,2)
next refreshimage
if mouseclick() = 2
if image exist(currentimage)
imagepos(currentimage,1) = mx
imagepos(currentimage,2) = my
paste image currentimage, imagepos(currentimage,1),imagepos(currentimage,2)
if mouseclick() <> 1 then mousedown = 0
if upkey() = 1 then goto save
if li = 9 then return
li = li + 1
print "these are the contents of the directory you are in"
print "please type in the image you want to use (with the extension)"
print " type in 'none' if you dont want to load anything"
print " "
input image$
if image$ = "none" then return
imagesu$(li) = image$
load image image$, li
paste image li , 100 , 300
print "That was image "+str$(li)+". remember that. load another? (y)"
input anotherimage$
if anotherimage$ = "y" then goto loadimage
if nv < 32
print "Storage file name? (using the same name will overwrite the file)"
print "if you dont want to save a file then press 'n'"
input tempname$
if tempname$ = "n" then end
name$(nv) = tempname$
if file exist(tempname$+".txt") = 1 then delete file tempname$+".txt"
open to write file, tempname$+".txt"
for i = 1 to sv
write string file,"x:"+str$(storagevx(i))+" y: "+str$(storagevy(i))
next i
write string file,"thank you for using aralox's mouse detector!"
write string file,"www.freewebs.com/aralox"
print "again? (y)"
input again$
if again$ = "y" then goto start
print "sorry file limit reached (32). press any key to quit. (run this program again to save another 32 files!)"
goto finish
print " "
print "your file(s) have be stored in the directory this program is located in"
print " -files-"
for f = 1 to sv
print " "+name$(f)
next f
print " "
print " -images used-"
for imagesused = 1 to li
print " "+imagesu$(imagesused)
next imagesused
print " "
print "thank you for using aralox's mouse detector!"
print "www.freewebs.com/aralox"
print "press any key to end"
wait key