"1. Beer/Vodka/Rum/Diamond white/Paint stripper 50%
2. Women 20%
3. Coding 20%
4. Football 9%
5. Sleep 1%"
Hmm at 14 (year 9UK) I think I was more like
1. drinking bottles of (disgusting) Diamond white and smoking shared cigs outside a pakistani corner shop 50%
2. Actually being in the presence of girls 5% (and felt damned lucky
3. Thinking about Girls constantly, 100%
4. Thinking about Girls and "reading" magazines from the afformentioned shop
5. Coding 10%
6. Playing Doom 10% (It was simply jaw dropping for me at that time!)
7. Sleep - Ummm I couldn't, shaking from too much cheap booze, cigs and porn from corner shops
Oh well mate, congratulations, that summer holiday was one of the happiest times I remember
Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes, They got them hoppy legs & twitchy little noses,
And what's with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?