It's looking good, it just needs a few things sorted out.
The first thing that I noticed was that the arms were not the same. Out of the two, I'd say the one on the left (our left not his left) is the best, so I would duplicate that. In Blender, you would just select that and hit Shift+D. Then, you can scale it along the X axis to a value of -1 in order to invert it to face the other direction. This will mess the shading up, so you will have to go to Mesh=>Normals=>Flip.
Probably the better way to go:
Another way you could do this, if you want to, is to select the entire right half of his body and delete it. Then, over on the right side of the buttons window, there is a button that says Add Modifier. You can click this and choose "Mirror" in order to make a perfectly symmetrical version of his body. That way, you will only have to do everything once, and you wont have to worry about accidentally making stuff different on each side of his body. Make sure that you increase the Merge Limit enough that the mirrored vertices that are close to your other ones will join together.
Anarchy Burger - hold the Government!