Hey, Morcilla. Thx for offering your suggestion. I tried..
dbScrollObjectTexture (23,0,0.10);
dbScrollObjectTexture (23,0,1);
dbScrollObjectTexture (23,0,3);
dbScrollObjectTexture (23,0,.5);
as well just not moving.
I added some code, keep in mind I have a object wrapper so the code looks different, but for the scaling I'm using the db command. m_ship_01.getID() is traced out to be the correct number.
m_ship_01.load( "Frigate\\frigate_lvl_01.X"); //works
m_ship_01.scale(2000,2000,2000); //works
dbScrollObjectTexture (m_ship_01.getID(),0,1);//fails
m_ship_01.scaleTexture (10,10); //works
Did I miss a step?