This is my entry for the Text Adventure Competition. I'm still working on the game engine, so I haven't started working on the story, and I was wondering if people had anything they thought I should add.
Look - This displays a description of the room you are in, a list of objects, and a list/desctiption of the different paths
Inspect <Object> - This displays a description of an object that exists in the current room
Examine <Inv. Object> - This displays a description of an object that you are carrying
Help - This lists the commands and what they do
Go <Direction> - This will let you go through a path to another room
Take <Object> - This will let you pick up SOME objects that are found in rooms
Inventory - This will list the objects that you are carrying
Quit - This quits the game
Use - This will use an object in the room/inventory or one object on another object, such as a lighter on a stick of dynamite
Talk - This will allow you to talk to people in the room. There will be several options of what to say when talking to a person, which may lead to other options
Room - This contains Objects, People, and Paths to other rooms
Object - This exists in a room, has a name and description
Path - Connects two room, has a string displayed when you walk through it as well as a description
Parser - not much to do here, but it works
Errors - Error messages are given when you type an invalid command, of nonexistant object, or try to walk in a direction that there is no path in
Output - Output appears character by character (though quite quickly) in a scrolling display box, but there is currently no wrapping for strings that are longer than the display box. Different types of info are printed in different colors
Person - This exists in a room, talk to it
Load from File - I plan to make the rooms load from data files, but I'll worry about this later
Error Messages - Red
Help - Blue
Look/Inspect/Examine - Green
Path Related - Gold
Take - Pale Purple
White - Commands you have typed in
The majority of the data is stored using a TPC dll, only the USE command has to be has to be hardcoded as there is to much variety in what it will be used for.
Does anyone have anything they feel I should add? I'll post some sample (uncreative) output it a while just to show how I have it working.