I made tree using TreemagikG2. I exported it, in editor it looks ok:
BUT when I tested the game (in test mode) it looks like this:
Here is the image of files.
You can see .fpe file:
desc = Tree_france_one
aiinit = appear.fpi
aimain = default.fpi
aidestroy = disappear1.fpi
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = tree_france_one.x
scale = 250
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
defaultstatic = 1
materialindex = 3
strength = 0
explodable = 0
debrisshape = 0
textured =
effect = 0
castshadow = 0
, if I made anything wrong. Please help. This is my last very noob question.
SIXOFT - This is not just a game, this is a SIXOFT game.