Here's from a DBPer's perspective of how the ambient commands actually work
ambience = X is essentially the equivalent of the DBP command
SET AMBIENT LIGHT Percentage. That DBP command controls the overall lighting, a lower value being darker and a higher value being lighter. This can range from 0 - 100.
ambienceblue,ambiencered, and
ambiencegreen are all mushed together to form the DBP command
COLOR AMBIENT LIGHT Color Value. Color Value can be found from the RGB command (pretty self explanatory) since going through several billion numbers is not fun. Those three commands make up the input for the RGB command.
VALUES OF 255 MERELY GIVE IT THE FULL AMOUNT OF COLOR FOR EACH ONE. THIS MEANS WHITE. So, that isn't the intended way to get more light. I can't remember if 255 or 0 is default for each one, I'm leaning towards 0 though and I don't feel like plugging in my portable HD for this computer
Quote: "i wonder how come when u press the < > keys it can go brighter?
seams odd"
Debugging Keys. For some reason they are also the only ones that don't turn off in a built game. Maybe Lee will fix it, meanwhile just use a script (either in setuplevel or in a dynamic object or something if you want it level specific) to constantly reset the ambience every loop.
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