Okay, I know this topic will be locked, but hear me out about what I have to say. Okay, I recently made a post entitled \"I found my old username!\" that says that I lost my login details over a year ago. This is true, I was looking through some CD\'s the other day, and found the CD that contained all of my user names and passwords which I had not lost after all. I logged into my account with the user: razorex11@hotmail.com, which was a VERY old email adress. I tried opening a topic, and it said I still had yet to activate my account, so I did, I made the username \"The Purple Pie.\" See what happened was I got the full version of FPS Creator, I needed help, so I decided to go to the forums and ask for help, so I signed up for an account. While I was waiting for an email to arrive, I figured out what I needed to know, and never did make the post, 2 days after that my computer crashed, thefore never got to activate my account. I am NOT a liar, I go to church every sunday, and fairly ever do anything bad. About the FPI Script Editor Program I made, it is not a wizzard, I don\'t even know how to use the wizzard, I didn\'t even know Visual Basic 6 had one, I programmed that all, and the only thing I used colse to a wizzard was the menu editor, that\'s it. I was not dishonest, and told EVERYONE the truth all of the time. I never lie to people, because I would feel guilty. Please trust me, I am not a bad person.
Not a Vista user, but a
Vista Theme user!