My story story Idea is...
* Each person can add up to 2 paragraphs and as little as 2 sentences (A paragraph being 4-8 medium(10 word) sentences)
* A person must wait for somone else to have a turn before they post again.
* The story must be based on and be true to the character I will present shortly. (No aliens or spaceships for example)
* The story must flow evenly and I (and only I) change the scene and time. (I will set the general enviroment and mood. It is up to you to decide what is going on, and what props to use)
* Bringing in other characters of your own for interation is fine as long as it is believable and consistant.
* Also, you
must read the story and ruels carefully before adding anything so you can be sure what you are writing will make sense.
sorry, but I think all those rules are acceptable. Oh yeah one more thing. very important
* Anything you want to say that should be considered part of the story needs to be
italic and indented 3 spaces.
----------------[ END RULES ]-------------------------------
The story begins "back in the day" with dungeons and dragons and programming in BASIC.
The main character is Dimitri, a studly 14yr old who enjoys D&D and Qbasic game programming. (Well he thinks he's studly but he never scores with chicks) Sometimes Dimitri amuses himself and his friends by invoking his alter-ego, Tusk (Also his D&D barbarian character). Tusk is a fairly dumb barbarian who is burly and enjoys pillaging viallages, impaling people with his axe, and going to pubs. Actually, the theme of this story is that, dimitri is eventually taken over by this alter-ego. Being a thin, pale guy with no physical strength at all, this gets him into alot of trouble throughout our story because Tusk dosent have a problem with picking fights.
PLACE: Dimitri's house
STUFF: Dimitri just woke up
have fun and remember,
use indented italic for story
writing so we can tell when you
are talking or writing