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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 04:25
Why are we only allowed 255 players in multiplayer. Its stupid guys. There are tons of us who want to make a MMORPG aswell as whats the point in haveing 255 if ur playing a fps game?

I mean come on DB team at least let us have 2000 players max
Richard Davey
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 04:31
I think you'll find that's a DirectPlay limitation.



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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 07:01
Iv said this before but ill guess I have to say it again. Think of the limitation as 255 players per zone (level, area...) and not for the entire world. Also anyone here who thinks there going to make an MMORPG that will have more than 250 players per zone is deluding himself or herself.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 14:42
whoa. Hey man, as it's been pointed out already, the problem isn't DB/DBPro's fault (directplay), and you will never get that many players anyway. And if you really would be getting, I'm sure you would have figured out how to go around the problem.

And You can have 2000 active players, but who says they all are online at once? I mean, The amount of people online compared to the players you have is rather small usually in Online games. So the problem is very small considered to the problems you will have making the actual game, and getting it run. Oh, If you are thinking about making an MMORPG or anything with more than couple players, you would need a server for that. And getting a server is going to be a much bigger problem than going around the max. 255 players.

Hope I didn't upset you by just repeating what rich and Froggermon SSE said, but I sometimes lose my nerves because of this. sorry.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 14:56
Damn ... that puts an end to my WW2 online game with 20 million players per side, all on screen at the same time.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 17:18
If you really want more than 255 players (in the whole game) you write the server in C++ using something like, but probably not, winsock. As the client (made in DB) only has one connection (to the server) your problem is solved.


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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 17:24
that WW2 game would be possible without big changes. You just need about 160k servers.
And oh yeah, the player must be able to connect to all of them. simultaneously, of course.

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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 18:24
To be able to handle many players you have to build a cluster of servers that communicates with eachother (or a database). The user then only have to connect to one server, but still be able to interact with all players. And ofcource you have to divide the world into smaller zones, as stated above.
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Posted: 3rd Sep 2002 21:52
thanks ppl. I total forgot about zones. duh lol sorry.

Thanks for all the help.

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Posted: 4th Sep 2002 02:33
The question is doogle, who's going to coordinate your beta test team of 2000 online players?

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Posted: 4th Sep 2002 06:22
As a recap of this and all posts like it:
-You should have a max of 1 to 2 hundred people per ZONE/AREA in a game anyways, so 255 is reasonable.
-The 255 player limit is a Directplay limitation, NOT DB!
-The 255 player limit is perfectly REASONABLE because, even if you had 255+ players at the same time, frame rates / pings would be HORRENDOUS!

Once that is taken care of, I need to know your opinion on yogurt... which is better, strawberry or blueberry?
just kidding

Alex Wanuch
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Posted: 4th Sep 2002 14:27
Blueberry has a certain something, but strawberry has to be m ............ ..... oh. You were joking.

Machine: P4 2200, 512MB, GeForce4 64MB, Audigy Platinum

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Posted: 5th Sep 2002 00:45
So what are we going to do now!
This definetly puts and end to my hypnotizing
14 billion player game to acheive world domination....

So what are we going to do now!

hope this doesn't put an end to my 14 simutaneously levels
playiny Quake 4 type of game...does it?
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Posted: 5th Sep 2002 02:57
I like Blackberry yogurt

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Posted: 6th Sep 2002 01:48
Who's Gurt?
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Posted: 6th Sep 2002 15:11
might want to think how much bandwith your gonna need for 2000 players

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