Nothing special I post here, but found it kind of interesting.
You can find things like this on many homepages or in several books about this topic (optical illusions etc.), but I wanted to try it in DBP. I saw this illusion in the internet yesterday. It shows some pink boxes in a circle, and you have to concentrate on the center. If you don't know what happens, try it out and see the effect...
mx = screen width()/2
my = screen height()/2
r = 200
cs = 10
act = 1
Frames = 100
t = timer()
cls rgb(128,128,128)
dec act
if act < 1 then act = cs
rem Black center-cross
ink 0,0
box mx-2,my-10,mx+3,my+11
box mx-10,my-2,mx+11,my+3
rem White cross inside
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
line mx,my-8,mx,my+8
line mx-8,my,mx+8,my
rem Pink boxes
ink rgb(191,0,191),0
for c = 1 to cs
if c <> act
Angle = 360*(c/(1.0*cs))
xp = mx+(1.0*r)*sin(Angle)
yp = my+(1.0*r)*cos(Angle)
box xp-10,yp-10,xp+10,yp+10
next c
until timer()-t=>Frames
Will probably also run in DBC.
Have fun... and don't look at it too long, you'll get crazy or blind or something.
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