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DLL Talk / Enanced Animations EnAn_AnimSetPlaySpeed command dosent work...

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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 08:28
Hi Wolf,
beatifull pluggin! noting to say about it, just that one command dosent work:
EnAn_AnimSetPlaySpeed( AnimID, Speed# )
My compiler give me an error
"Could not understand command at line..."
And this is my code:

Is this a bug?

An other thing, when i extract an animation from an animated objet, it dosent look the same way, as the animation of my original objet, my enhanced animation becomes .... awfull^^.

Also, after i extract the animation on an objet, i try to load the objet witout animation, then aply an animation and play it and again it dosent work...
What can i do...?

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 12:13

The "EnAn_AnimSetPlaySpeed" command does not return a value, so you should not put the parameters in parenthesis. Otherwise, instead of:
EnAn_AnimSetPlaySpeed( IdleAnim, 10 )
your command should be:
EnAn_AnimSetPlaySpeed IdleAnim, 10

I'm not sure what the problem with your model is. Could you please send be a copy of the model to me? I'll be happy to have a look at the other problems that you are having, but I need to be able to see exactly what is going on.



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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 14:37
Hi Wolf,
the command works now! sorry i toug that the command dosent works at all!Sorry and Tanks 4 the advise!
Am sending you 3 models: "Bernt2.x" with my second problem ( looks awfull after loaded with enanced plugin...)

And Model2/Model3( "SthepenDeath3.x" and "SthepenJumpSplit.x" ) with an other litter question that i have to you :

I have 2 others models ( is the same model, same polys, same bones ) but exported from 3Dmax with differents keyframe animations.
I would like to know if is possible to extract all they animations and apply it to one only model? Cause at the moment, that dosent work for me.
By the way, il send the models to this email: , ok?
tanks again Wolf for your answers and this awesome plugin!

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 16:51

I'm not sure what is causing your second problem. I do have a fix for it though. I have attached a tool that is supplied with the DirectX SDK. It allows you to open .x files and re-save them. If I open your file "Bernt2.x" and save it as a new file, it then works perfectly with Enhanced Animations. What modeling program are you using? I have seen some other people have similar problems that are fixed the same way. I am still trying to figure out what causes it!

I am still looking into your 3rd problem



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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 19:37 Edited at: 15th Aug 2007 19:11
Give up, you sold me out the solution to my tird problem, tanks.
With the file( mview.exe ) you send me, i was eable to merge all my .x models into one! with differents animations in one model! 13 animations and one model with 5000polys onto one small file 512KB!! awesome!

Am doing some test right now, to see if that works ( my second problem ) then i post back the results later on.
Greetz Wolf!

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 20:31 Edited at: 13th Aug 2007 20:31

Here is a way that you can test it. Basicly, it loads 2 versions of your model. The first is controlled by Enhanced Animations. The second is controlled by DB's internal animations. The second object is ghosted and placed on top of the first object. I then set the frame of the DBpro animated object to the frame that is returned from the EnAn animated object. They follow each other perfectly!

Here is the source:

Good luck with your project!


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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 22:43 Edited at: 14th Aug 2007 00:52
Tanks for the code .
Am gona test it at home, am in my classroom right now.

See ya later Wolf .

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Posted: 14th Aug 2007 08:49 Edited at: 14th Aug 2007 09:00
Ok, here is...
I attach a video with the problem.
Now, my model look fine but the transition is very bad.
This is my code:

If you see, even the normal anim is not good, at the end of each anim there is some kind of keyframe swaping or something. If i play the animation with the internal command of DBP it looks fine.
Can you suggest me something?
This model was opened an saved with the file that you suggested to me.

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 14th Aug 2007 12:13
You will have to send me all of the files for your Stephen model. The only ones that I have are StephenDeath3 and StephenJumpSplit.


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Posted: 14th Aug 2007 14:17 Edited at: 14th Aug 2007 14:19
Here ya go,
I sent you one only file with all the animations inside + texture.

Dont post that file over here... ^^
c ya later...

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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 04:39 Edited at: 15th Aug 2007 09:03
Something is very wrong here,
The animation plays very good, but the transition its....horrible
, as you can see in the video, when a transition is playing the model is scaled and rotated in all ways ^^.

Also,I forgot someting, the animation frames for my model are:
Idle goes from frame 1 to 22 @ 20 frames/s
walkmed 23-44
run fast from 62-74

What is the default speed of EA_ plugin Anims? ( I mean how many frapes per secs )?

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 12:09

Change the extracted frame by -1. This seems to remove the jumping in your animations:

There is definatey something wrong with the transitions. I have an idea of what is happening, but I need some more time to investigate. I haven't seen this happen to anyone else!
What modeling program are you using to create your models?

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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 19:09
Am using 3D max, for modeling, skinning and animating.
Then extract it to fragmotion to do the final job. Then open the file with the "mview.exe" that you send me and save it again.
That it ...
Hope you can fix it soon.


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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 20:09
What version of Max are you using? What format are you exporting to from Max that is then loaded into Fragmotion? When you export the animation data, are you given the option to export the keyframes as matrix data?

Sorry for all of the questions! This is the first problem with a model that I have seen. It is nothing that you are doing wrong. It must be a bug in the way that I am interpolating the animation frames.

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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 20:39 Edited at: 15th Aug 2007 20:42
No problem Wolf,
here are:
1- Panda Exporter( .x ) from 3D Max 9 to Fragmotion0.9.
2- Then i export from Fragmotion in .x format:
I attach a zip with images of my exporting options ( in max9 and fragmotion). As you can see in the images, yes i export the keyframes as matrix data in both softwares ( 3DMax9 and FragM).

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 21:48
That is odd...
When I save the .x file as ascii text using the tool I attached, the animation data is not saved in matrix form. It is saved in Position/Rotation/Scale form.

What exactly are you doing with your models in Fragmotion? I have never used that app before.

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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 22:06 Edited at: 15th Aug 2007 22:10
I remove unused keyframes, re-position the model, merge differents animations...
I can export the objet with panda exporter ( max9 ) as matrix form or position/rotate/scale form.
If you know an app that can do that easly...

What can you suggest?

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 22:16
Can you do some tests on some models that have been exported from Max with the Panda exporter (using matrix frames), but not opened in Fragmotion? Or... could you send me some models that have been exported from Max but not opened in Fragmotion?

Sorry for the trouble. I want to fix this as soon as possible. I have to understand what is actually causing the problem first though!


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Posted: 15th Aug 2007 22:16 Edited at: 15th Aug 2007 22:17
Yes, at the moment.
Give me about 10 mins for that...

Fragmotion is in Beta, so you can expect everything with that ^^...
I used, cause i know betten than max for all keyframing stuff...


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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 00:24 Edited at: 16th Aug 2007 00:28
i sent to your email 3 models exported with panda exporter with matrix frames.
Pay atention with models, they dont have the same position/rotation on keyframes. But they have same scales

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 05:15

I am getting closer to finding the problem. The transition issues do not occur in the files that have not been modified by Fragmotion. It must be doing something different to the files that what I have previously encountered. I need to compare the data of the new files that you sent me with the old files to see what is different.
Thanks for your help and patience!

By the way, the model and animations are reall good!


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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 08:49 Edited at: 16th Aug 2007 08:51
No problem Wolf,
Am working hard on this project, i spend a lot of money on it.
And your plugin is wonderfully!
Hope you fix it soon.

Am very close to find an alternate solution.
Tomorrow i will post some results...


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Posted: 17th Aug 2007 04:37 Edited at: 17th Aug 2007 07:44
i know what is my main problem.
I merge differents .x files with differetns vertices and polys, thoses meshes have differents sizes also.
So your pluging is working perfectly!
I have even exported with fragmotion, then open-rexport with the mview.exe and it works awesome!
If you see few post up, you notice that i told you that i merge all my animation .x files into one.... i make the mistake not to worry about polys and sizes!!! That was an horrible mistake.
Now the only thing i have to do is open with mview.exe, reset his transformation matrix save the file again and it works!
Here is a short video of my working model...

One thing to avoid at all cost, merge differents .x files!
It will work maby with the internal anims commands of DBP but with external plugins is guaranted that will not work!

So those guys ho are working with fragmotion ( like me ), dont worry, it works perfectly !

My apologies for all your wasted time Wolf.

One thing that i suggest to this plugin on the next upgrade (if possible of course ), its a command that transit between frames on the same animation. I mean, at the end of an animation do a transition between the last frame and the first frame of that animation. This will do a nice loop! and that will be one of the monsters killer command of this beatifull plugin. Artists will not have to worry about looping they animations, cause it will be do very nicely litk OAC_transition command and thats means less keyframes, more loading speed. Think about it

Keep working on good plugins like this!

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 17th Aug 2007 13:30

I'm glad to hear that it is all working properly for you now. I wasn't able to work on this problem yesterday because I was away all day.
And... you didn't waste my time. I'm glad to help with problems that people are having with one of my products.

That is a good idea for a animation loop transition. I will have to think about how to best implement that idea.

I should have an update available soon. There are a couple of minor bug fixes that I have to finish and I have some ideas of a way to speed up performance.

Thanks you for being patient while I was trying to help with your problems!


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Posted: 17th Aug 2007 14:14 Edited at: 20th Aug 2007 08:18
tanks... to you
I think the best way to implement and not affect existing EA codes would be to add a new command, so people dont have to moddify existing code, only add new command to the code. Something like:
EnAn_oacAnimLoopTransition animID, flag
or Optional this straig foward one :
EnAn_oacAnimLoopTransition animID, kframe1, kframe2, flag
See ya soon.

Forgotten Memories W.I.P

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