Sorry, I guess I was being abit vague.
This is my Character creation code:
Function Plr_setup(x#,y#,z#)
` make character controller
make object box 2,3.0,3.0,3.0
phy make box character controller 2, x#, y#, z#, 4, 10, 4, 1, 3, 45.0
hide object 2
`Create kinimatic object to go with character controller
make object box 3,10,5,10
hide object 3
phy make rigid body dynamic box 3
phy set rigid body kinematic 3, 1
color object 3,rgb (255, 0, 0)
hide object 3
Here's the code that I load the map, which has the barrels in it:
Load object "market.dbo",10
scale object 10,25,25,25
phy make rigid body static mesh 10
The barrels are meshes I've modelled in Maya, then converted to .X usign Milkshape. I added them into my map in 3DWS, then exported the whole level as one .dbo. I colide with the floor and walls, since they were made in 3dws, but walk straight through the barrels.