Draknir, ha yea theres lots of bits that need correcting. I'm just too lazy
Thanks inspire. I'm afraid i'm hopeless at modeling humans (i was going to do a zombie) - anyway, i settled for skeletons. And yea, its supposed to exit at the elevator shaft. I got really sick of working on this project - haha. It could use a lot of polishing!
NETSURFER, well thank you very much! I'll look out for some of your stuff!
H4ck1d, at the moment monsters can hurt you through walls. I actually have a much better AI code by Flamboyant Fish siting on my desktop. I just didn't get round to copying it in.
dark coder, thanks for reporting those problems. the whole project has been rather rushed. i'll hopefully come back to it later, and finish it all of.
Benouz, yup there all bugs! none of them will take long to fix, i'll probably upload a small update. thanks for testing it so thoroughly!
Zerk, cheers! and never heard of it!