I made this while working on a plugin, so I didn't have to spend ages writing string table entries for all the commands (77 so far!). It will autoamtically generate the string-table for all the functions that start with the right prefix. You can choose this when you run the program.
Here is some sample c++ code and the string table entry generated by this program:
// Defines
#define dbfloat DWORD
#define DLLCMDC extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
// Functions
DLLCMDC dbfloat GetPositionX(){
String Table:
1 "db_GetPositionX[%F%GetPositionX%"
I put in "DLLCMDC" as the export prefix, and "db_" as the command prefix, and ran my program.
I hope it comes in useful to some people