Sounds good with a new version (and cant wait for UI)
Can you add to 2 functions Im sure will be used a lot?
A function to get a distance from object to object. I know its just to make it but it could be good just to use:
Distance = LightObject.DistanceTo(objLightObject)
And the same with angle
''' <summary>
''' Returns distance to an object
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ToObject"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function DistanceTo(ByVal ToObject As Object) As Double
Dim x1 As Double = Me.Character.X
Dim y1 As Double = Me.Character.Y
Dim z1 As Double = Me.Character.Z
Dim x2 As Double = ToObject.X
Dim y2 As Double = ToObject.Y
Dim z2 As Double = ToObject.Z
Return LightCore.Sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2) + (z1 - z2) * (z1 - z2))
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Finds the angle to an object
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ToObject"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function AngleTo(ByVal ToObject As Object) As Double
Dim a3 As Double
Dim a1 As Double = LightCore.WrapValue(Me.Character.AngleY)
Dim a2 As Double = LightCore.WrapValue(ToObject.AngleY)
a3 = LightCore.Abs(a1 - a2)
If a3 > 180 Then a3 = 360 - a3
Return a3
End Function
Im also using this to see the object under the mouse
Dim ob As LightObject = LightBox.Pick(LightMouse.X, LightMouse.Y, myHerb.ToObject, myHerb.ToObject)
But in theory I dont need to know the from and to objectID. Maybe you can make a new Pick that only have one ToObject? It could be in LightMouse so:
Dim ob = LightMouse.Pick(WhatObject) and should return Object (becuase it can be any object)
These things is not a problem for me to make, but "nice-to-have"
Im planning to have a pre-alfa version of my game by newyear
Based on LightEngine...
Niels Henriksen
Working on a (MMO)RPG right now in LightEngine - Forum for the game