how can i make bullet collision?
i used this to make a bullet
angy# = object angle y(cube)
angx# = -object angle X(cube)
make object sphere ammoID,1
position object ammoID,object position x (cube), object position y (cube)+5, object position z (cube)
phy make rigid body dynamic sphere ammoID
phy set rigid body linear velocity ammoID, 50*sin(angy#)*cos(angx#),50*sin(angx#),50*cos(angy#)*cos(angx#)
phy set rigid body mass ammoID, 500
and I have tried to use
while phy get collision data ( )
a=phy get collision object a()
b=phy get collision object b()
if a=ammoID and b=map1
but doesn't work
heelp ç_ç