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DLL Talk / Finding Scrambled Name in DLL

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Joined: 13th Aug 2007
Posted: 12th Sep 2007 01:30
Im using Visual C++ 2005 Express to write dlls, im just messing around for now, and I was wondering if there was anyway to know what the scrambled export name is without opening up the dll in notepad and searching for it.

im basically using:

__declspec(dllexport) void doSomething()

Thank you


Space Game WIP
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Posted: 12th Sep 2007 01:33
If you use code like the following:

... then the function name will be 'doSomething'. If you don't then it's easier to look for the name than try to figure out its mangles name.

The only downside to doing the above is that you can no longer overload the function (ie, create another function with the same name but different parameters).

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