Pssshhh...I cant believe this. This is the kind of stuff I was talking about before I left. I come back after several months and this board has gotten waaay worse. Somebody asks a question for help, and they have to rely on a lame answer to go GOOGLE something? Are you kidding me? What do you think this board is for???? And I feel it is very ODD that moderators only jump into subjects that appeals to THEM. This kid is asking for help and there's no moderator around. Wow. Talk about favoritism. I oughta talk to corporate about this one, no kidding.
When V.1 first came out, everybody on this board was happy as hellll. Merranvo was here, everybody cracking jokes, people were actually
helping eachother, nobody was criticizing no one, an occasional loud mouth appeared, but that's about it, and not just say "Google this or that". What happened? What happened?
Avid's post is exceptional...
Straight outta compton