Quote: "In these instances, you can either rename your function..."
- Yuppers. This is what I did - no biggie.
Quote: "...or put your function into a namespace, ..."
Didn't know that... makes sense the way functions and function pointers work...
Quote: "...and either call it with the namespace included, ..."
I knew this would work like the variables after reading above ....
Quote: "...or to use a using directive to import your function into the global namespace."
What directive is that? Just the using clause right? I do like the using clause!
Quote: "
To be honest, the fault here is with the library."
Yeah its not perfect - but what is - I'm still a Fan!
Quote: "Internal functions should either be made static, or put into an anonymous namespace if not available outside the module, or into a named namespace if to be made available."
That is cool that this can be done. One of the things I like about FPC is is simply in the "Interface" section or its not. "Interface" section is just like a header file - where you declare variables and functions/procedures so that externally linked/compiled stuff knows how to use. Everything not "declared there" is private and you don't actually need header files. This also makes FPC compile twice as fast.
It also has smart linking which IanM - you would likely appreciate. Basically - it only brings in code to the EXE/DLL that your code actually calls or code linked one way or another to stuff you made available (like for DLL use). I've compiled against a "source library" with thousands and thousands of lines of code - and seen it make really tiny exe's because I only used one or two calls.
Thanx for the C++ knowledge you tossed in that message. It's all in the details