I just went back to an yesterday's version of my source. This morning, I started trying to migrate it over to using the player object for orientation instead of the camera.
So now I'm back on the camera version and dropped in the code for displaying FPS and now it's holding steady at 240fps. 240fps is fine. It's still a major drop, but it's not an unacceptable one
Now, why would using object position instead of camera position cause that one unrelated command to cause such a drastic framerate loss?
This is definitely a strange bug and probably related to my code. You know what's strange is just yesterday, functions which previously compile were refusing to compile. It was hanging up on if statements. Here's one of the functions doing that.
function interpolatevalue(destination as float,current as float,speed as float)` as float
if current <> destination
if current > destination
if (current-destination) > speed
current = current - speed
current = destination
if (current-destination) < speed
current = current + speed
current = destination
endfunction current
I'm not using this function anymore, I'm using curvevalue instead because it's doesn't make objects zigzag as much. So it's now commented out, but the fact is it was compiling before, but now the compiler is hanging on the second occurance of "else". This is just weird.
Nothing I say is intended to be rude. My autism means that I do not know what is rude and what isn't rude. I apologize if I seem rude. It is not my intention.