A useful little snippet i wrote which will load up all the x models in the directory, and output a text file with their frame numbers.
autocam off
backdrop off
type obj
num as integer
name as string
dim objects(0) as obj
perform checklist for files
for i=1 to checklist quantity()
if right$(checklist string$(i),2)=".x"
array insert at bottom objects(0).num : new = array count(objects(0).num)
load object checklist string$(i),new
objects(new).name = checklist string$(i)
next i
objects = array count(objects(0).num)
if file exist("frames.txt") then delete file "frames.txt"
open to write 1,"frames.txt"
if array count(objects(0).num)<1 then gosub error
for i = 1 to objects
cur$ = str$(total object frames(i))
write string 1,objects(i).name+": "+cur$
print objects(i).name+": "+cur$
next i
write string 1," "
write string 1,"Thanks for using the FrameChecker, by Aralox - aralox.webs.com"
print " "
print "All this information has been saved to a text file called frames.txt"
print "Thanks for using the FrameChecker, by Aralox - aralox.webs.com"
print " Hit any key to end"
wait key
print "Please place an .x model in the directory FrameChecker is located in."
wait key
And for those lazy people out there
, here is the .exe