kBessa - this is for you
If Im using this
If LightMouse.LeftClick Then
Dim NewObj As LightObject = LightMouse.Pick
If Not newobj Is Nothing Then
For Each obj As GameObject In GameObjectList
If newobj.Equals(obj.Item) Then
End If
End If
End If
then is rarely that it write the ID on the selected object.
But if I change LightMouse.Pick with
If LightMouse.LeftClick Then
Dim newobj As LightObject = LightObject.Pick(LightMouse.X, LightMouse.Y, Well1.Item, Minecart.Item)
If Not newobj Is Nothing Then
For Each obj As GameObject In GameObjectList
If newobj.Equals(obj.Item) Then
End If
End If
End If
then everything is working like it should...
Some problems in Pick method in LightMouse?
Niels Henriksen
Working on a (MMO)RPG right now in LightEngine
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