Looks great Oolite. (Although I'm finding it a bit hard to take some of the other posters comments. Can you do this?! Didn't think so!)
OOlite you should also post this in the critique section of CGTalk, you'll get a better variety of comments - some from people working in film and games industries. (Unless of course you have posted there or know about it - then ill shut up!)
Okay, my comments on the model:-
- the navel looks too stetched - otherwise, I love the detail on the torso. Perhaps smooth some of the bumps just below the navel.
- rebuild the neck from scratch - don't waste time trying to move those wonky polygons around!
- did you use a cloth simulation to make the cloth? It looks a bit odd. I think its the folds, they seem too regularly spaced. The long bit hanging down looks right but its where it goes round her back. It looks like its been attached to her back just next to her right arm. Try to get the folds and weighting to appear more natural.
Great work in any case. Look forward to seeing more.