ok, i am using darkbasic pro...and i am having trouble detecting collision on my 2d scroller. I am using Mike Shah's 2d scroller tutorial and i tried adding a collision and i replaced the hero and enemy as sprites...but it prints collision to the screen even though the hero is not touching the enemy...here is my code so far.
`Here is our basic setup, the same as in our tile editor.
flush video memory
sync on : sync rate 60
backdrop on
set display mode 640,480,32
set window size 640,480
`Set the window title to whatever you want, for now we'll use "The Game Engine"
set window title "The Game Engine"
`Now we get to load our level into our game engine. We've had to make a few simple changes
`from our previous load function, but the base of this is just the same.
filename$="Level 1"
if file exist(filename$) then open to read 1,filename$
read string 1,_Dimensions$
read string 1,_TileSize$
read string 1,_MapSize$
`Once we read the Dimension, TileSize, and MapSize variables, we store their values in
`an integer.
`Re-assign our constants, in case they've changed from our new variables..
#Constant Dimensions _Dimensions
#Constant TileSize _TileSize
#Constant MapSize _MapSize
`Now we create our Grid array which stores the whole level data, and the Display array,
`which displays what's currently on screen.
dim Grid(MapSize,MapSize)
dim Display(Dimensions,Dimensions)
`Read our values from the text file, then convert the values from a string
`variable, to a integer. Then, once it's an integer, we assign it back to our
for x = 0 to MapSize
for y = 0 to MapSize
read string 1,temp$
`Determines the starting position of our little hero.
`Whichever tile is number 4, will be designated our starting spot for our hero
`character. So we assign the startx/starty values with the proper x and y values.
`from their, we can also assign our hero's x and y position.
if Grid(x,y)=4
startx=x+1: herox=startx
starty=y: heroy=starty
next x
next y
close file 1 `Close our file now that we're done with it.
`load music
`Now we get to load our media that we created.
load image "media/2.bmp",2
load image "media/3.bmp",3
load image "media/4.bmp",4
load image "media/5.bmp",5
load image "media/6.bmp",6
create animated sprite 2,"media/enemy.bmp",1,1,7
set sprite frame 2,1
create animated sprite Hero,"media/test.png",3,4,Hero
set sprite frame Hero,1
`For now, image one will just be black.
cls rgb(0,0,0)
get image 1,0,0,32,32
`Our Hero
#Constant Hero 10
`Our background: We'll need two of the same images for this.
#constant backgroundimage 11
#constant backgroundimage2 11
load image "media/background.bmp",backgroundimage,1
load image "media/background.bmp",backgroundimage2,1
`Our interface
#constant HealthBar 500
load image "media/healthbar.bmp",HealthBar
set text size 30
`Our main loop
`cls `clear the screen.
`The base of this collision code works by getting the boundaries and making sure that
`your hero player doesn't cross them. I've also setup the basis for which we'll be able
`to do tile to tile collisions. The basis of this works in that our hero is just a mobile
`tile. However, this will be okay for now, and you can tweak it to your protection, although
`next month the whole tutorial will be dedicated to pixel-perfect collision. :)
if leftkey()=1 and currentx>0
if RelativeTileX>0 `and Display(relativeTileX,relativeTileY)=1
play sprite Hero,10,12,50
if rightkey()=1 and currentx<MapSize `and Display(relativeTileX,relativeTileY)=1
play sprite Hero,4,6,50
if downkey()=1 and currenty<(MapSize-1)
if RelativeTileY>0 `and Display(relativeTileX,relativeTileY)=1
play sprite Hero,7,9,50
if upkey()=1 and currenty>0 `and Display(relativeTileX,relativeTileY)=1
play sprite Hero,1,3,50
`This ensures that our hero doesn't go outside our screen. If he does, then the hero
`character will be reset back to the front of the screen.
if herox>Dimensions
if heroy>Dimensions
if herox<0 then herox=Dimensions
if heroy<0 then heroy=Dimensions
`Here we'll paste our scrolling background.
`The way this works is we have two images 1024x768 in size. The y position will always
`be relative to the player. Meanwhile, both images are scrolling, but they're set their
`width apart so they're side by side. Once the backgroundx variable gets larger than 1024,
`it resets, and the process restarts to give you an infinitly scrolling background.
paste image backgroundimage,backgroundx,currenty
paste image backgroundimage,-1024+backgroundx,currenty
if backgroundx>1024 then backgroundx=0
`Here is the simple for-next loop that breaks everything down.
`For the current dimensions, the GRID array data is applied to our DISPLAY array.
`This is then the array that we use to paste the various images to the screen with.
for x = 0 to Dimensions
for y = 0 to Dimensions
if currentx+x>MapSize or currenty+y>MapSize `Ensure we're not out of bounds on our array.
Display(x,y)=Grid(150,150) `If we are, just assign the last GRID value.
else `If we're not out of bounds, shift values
`to the DISPLAY array.
`if Display(x,y)=1 then paste image 1,x*TileSize,y*TileSize,1
if Display(x,y)=2 then paste image 2,x*TileSize,y*TileSize
if Display(x,y)=3 then paste image 3,x*TileSize,y*TileSize
if Display(x,y)=4 then paste image 4,x*TileSize,y*TileSize
if Display(x,y)=5 then paste image 5,x*TileSize,y*TileSize
if Display(x,y)=6 then paste image 6,x*TileSize,y*TileSize
if Display(x,y)=7 then paste sprite 2,x*TileSize,y*TileSize
next x
next y
`Here we paste onto the screen based on its position and the TileSize for our level.
paste sprite Hero,HeroPositionx,HeroPositiony
`This is just a simple text statement to help show us the values of each tile in the
`DISPLAY array. This will become especially useful when we get really in-depth with our
`collisions, to make sure that everything is working properly.
if spacekey()=1
for x=0 to Dimensions
for y=0 to Dimensions
text x*TileSize,y*TileSize,str$(Display(x,y))
next x
next y
`Here's a little bit of debugging, showing the tiles our mouse is over.
text 580,0,str$(currentx+relativeTileX)+","+str$(currenty+relativeTileY)
text 580,40,str$(relativeTileX)+","+str$(relativeTileY)
text 580,80,str$(Dimensions) `Shows the map dimensions
text 580,100,str$(TileSize) `Shows the TileSize
text 580,120,str$(MapSize) `Shows the mapsize.
text 580,140,str$(startx)+","+str$(starty) `Starting x and y positions
text 580,160,str$(herox)+","+str$(heroy) `Heroes current position
text 580,180,str$(screen fps()) `The Frames per second our program is running.
`Our current TileX and TileY the mouse is over.
position mouse (HeroPositionx+TileSize),(HeroPositiony+TileSize)
`The relative TileX and TileY we're over in our Display array.
`Our interface
paste image HealthBar,0,0,1
text 100,5,str$(health)
if sprite collision(Hero,2)=1
print "Collision"
sync ` refresh our screen.
loop ` Go back to our do, and start all over!
please any help is appreciated...my collision code is near the bottom of the code...please tell me what i am doing wrong with this code
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