I think I'm going insane. Several problems are driving me nuts. I spent countless hours on building some simple rooms but nothing works.
1) Why is that? => I click and paint a wall only. Inner and outer walls are painted. When I select undo from the menu one wall disappears, only one is left. I don't understand that. Normally, all what I've just painted should disappear with an undo function.
2) See my "problems with walls"-thread. I've given up building a house with one and the same wall on the outside and several rooms with different walls on the inside.
Now I only want to build a room...and build another one next to it. In segment mode. When I'm done the rooms have different walls and floors. Good. But they are still not seperated. I have to draw a wall to seperate these two rooms. The middle parts work. But on the corners one wall of an already built part might disappear. So there's two walls everywhere except for one part with just one wall in the corner. Different objects get different results. Finally, I managed to build everything the way I wanted. But in game mode there was bleed in, which looked awful. How can I get rid of that? Well...what should I do? I'm getting more and more frustrated. Two walls --> bleed in. One wall --> FPSC doesn't let me build it.
3) I want to use a small window (hole). But it doesn't work with all walls. Bleed in, flickering.
Conclusion: normally, many objects and model packs are great. But it seems to me as if FPSC is a bit restricted. You can combine segment 1, 2, 3 and 4...but you can't use 5-10. You can build something nice within a model pack...but when you want to use one model pack with the default objects...bad luck.
It seems to me as if the compitability of FPSC' objects is not good. Or I'm just to stupid to use the program correctly. When I use an editor I want to combine everything with everything.
What I'm doing wrong?
Could somebody please build a house, surrounded by grass. The house has a door. You walk in. Several rooms are in there, seperated by walls. The exterior wall is all the same...bricks. The inside rooms vary. It sounds so simple but...now start reading at the very beginning of my post. Then you'll know how I feel.
[under construction]