1.Put it into side mode by pressing "3" on your numpad.
2.Make a Uv sphere with the following requirements...
12 Segments
12 Rings
3.Go to the front of the model by hitting "1" on your Numpad.
4.Select half of the sphere by pressing "B" and then "B" again and you get a circle around your mouse left click to select the vertices. Like this...
5.When you have this press delete.
6.Hit the "add Modifier" button then Mirror you will now see a couple of buttons now. Hit the "X" button to deactivate it and then the "Z" button to make a copy of the sphere mirrored as part of the model.
7.You may be asking that this is exactly what I had at the start! But now if you hit B then B again and select a part of the sphere and do what the hell you like with it. Press E to extrude But you should use the "Region" Extrude as this looks better and saves a hell of a lot of polygons.
8.This is what I done using this...
P.S. This doesn't HAVE to be a marine bust you can make a kirby model in it even a cartoon head.
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