Hi guys!
How nice that you like my work, and let's go with the answers...
yes COOL KID, you can rescale the image for me, and I will send another one as big as the last one so you can watch it and yes, you can reascale it for me Coolkid! Hehehe.
No, those models are not animated, but I can animate the models that you want me to do for you.
I'm not good making a texture for the carachters, so I have to be hnest with you, I DON"T TEXTURIZE, but if you send me the texture, I can set in the model, and of course I can send you the skin where you will paint the texture.
So let's send an other image, so you can see more of muy Modeling work.
Have nice life all of you pals, and thanks for the patience to me!
Buscando la trascendencia del hombre a travez del 3D!