Here is an new way of finding an path. I have check the net and i can not find another path finder like it. it you do could you post an message. time to get to the snippet. It is an old version but it shows the basic of how it works. sorry no comments within the snippet. There are few way to make it faster also some that works for an RTS game. I still have one or two to test out. The path finder is in two parts one that generates the map data and the other one that finds the path. you will find that it is faster that A* path finder. about 80ms for A* , 0-16ms . but the times are depend on the type of map.
here is the snippet.
sync rate 0
sync on
cls 0
gosub _Veribles
gosub _gen_Grid
cls 0
gosub _Print_info
gosub _buttons
gosub _Draw_Grid
gosub _draw_path
path_X = Start_Pos(1) : path_Y = Start_Pos(2)
path_value = Flow_Data( path_X , path_Y )
path_direction = 0
IF path_value > -1
IF show_path = 1
start_stage_two = timer()
while path_value > 1
IF Flow_Data( (path_X - 1) , (path_Y - 1) ) = path_value - 1 then path_direction = 1
IF Flow_Data( (path_X + 1) , (path_Y - 1) ) = path_value- 1 then path_direction = 3
IF Flow_Data( (path_X - 1) , (path_Y + 1) ) = path_value - 1 then path_direction = 7
IF Flow_Data( (path_X + 1) , (path_Y + 1) ) = path_value - 1 then path_direction = 9
IF Flow_Data( path_X , (path_Y - 1) ) = path_value - 1 then path_direction = 2
IF Flow_Data( (path_X - 1) , path_Y ) = path_value - 1 then path_direction = 4
IF Flow_Data( (path_X + 1) , path_Y ) = path_value - 1 then path_direction = 6
IF Flow_Data( path_X , (path_Y + 1 ) ) = path_value - 1 then path_direction = 8
path_X = path_X - 1 : path_Y = path_Y - 1
rem top left
IF path_direction = 1
Temp_X = (path_X-1) * 16 : Temp_Y = (path_Y-1) * 16
ink RGB(0,0,255) , 0 : box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
path_X = path_X - 1 : path_Y = path_Y - 1
path_value = path_value - 1
rem top middle
IF path_direction = 2
Temp_X = (path_X ) * 16 : Temp_Y = (path_Y-1) * 16
ink RGB(0,0,255) , 0 : box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
path_X = path_X : path_Y = path_Y - 1
path_value = path_value - 1
rem top right
IF path_direction = 3
Temp_X = (path_X+1) * 16 : Temp_Y = (path_Y-1) * 16
ink RGB(0,0,255) , 0 : box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
path_X = path_X + 1 : path_Y = path_Y - 1
path_value = path_value - 1
rem left
IF path_direction = 4
Temp_X = (path_X-1) * 16 : Temp_Y = (path_Y) * 16
ink RGB(0,0,255) , 0 : box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
path_X = path_X - 1 : path_Y = path_Y
path_value = path_value - 1
rem right
IF path_direction = 6
Temp_X = (path_X+1) * 16 : Temp_Y = (path_Y) * 16
ink RGB(0,0,255) , 0 : box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
path_X = path_X + 1 : path_Y = path_Y
path_value = path_value - 1
rem bottom left
IF path_direction = 7
Temp_X = (path_X-1) * 16 : Temp_Y = (path_Y+1) * 16
ink RGB(0,0,255) , 0 : box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
path_X = path_X - 1 : path_Y = path_Y + 1
path_value = path_value - 1
rem bottom middle
IF path_direction = 8
Temp_X = (path_X ) * 16 : Temp_Y = (path_Y+1) * 16
ink RGB(0,0,255) , 0 : box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
path_X = path_X : path_Y = path_Y + 1
path_value = path_value - 1
rem bottom right
IF path_direction = 9
Temp_X = (path_X+1) * 16 : Temp_Y = (path_Y+1) * 16
ink RGB(0,0,255) , 0 : box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
path_X = path_X + 1 : path_Y = path_Y + 1
path_value = path_value - 1
path_X = path_X + 1 : path_Y = path_Y + 1
end_stage_two = TIMER()
show_path = 1
temp_Places_count = 0
FOR Y = 1 to 30
FOR X = 1 to 30
IF Grid(X,Y) = 1 then Flow_Data(X,Y) = -1 : temp_Places_count = temp_Places_count + 1
IF Grid(X,Y) = 0 then Flow_Data(X,Y) = -2
Flow_Data( Target_pos(1) , Target_pos(2) ) = 0
temp_Places_count = temp_Places_count - 1
current_number = 0
while temp_Places_count > 0
FOR Y = 2 to 29
FOR X = 2 to 29
IF Flow_Data( X , Y ) = current_number
rem top left
IF Grid(X-1,Y) = 1 and Grid(X,Y-1) = 1
IF Flow_Data( X-1 , Y-1 ) = -1 then Flow_Data( X-1 , Y-1 ) = current_number + 1 : temp_Places_count = temp_Places_count - 1
rem top
IF Flow_Data( X , Y-1 ) = -1 then Flow_Data( X , Y-1 ) = current_number + 1 : temp_Places_count = temp_Places_count - 1
rem top right
IF Grid(X+1,Y) = 1 and Grid(X,Y-1) = 1
IF Flow_Data( X+1 , Y-1 ) = -1 then Flow_Data( X+1 , Y-1 ) = current_number + 1 : temp_Places_count = temp_Places_count - 1
rem left
IF Flow_Data( X-1 , Y ) = -1 then Flow_Data( X-1 , Y ) = current_number + 1 : temp_Places_count = temp_Places_count - 1
rem right
IF Flow_Data( X+1 , Y ) = -1 then Flow_Data( X+1 , Y ) = current_number + 1 : temp_Places_count = temp_Places_count - 1
rem dottom left
IF Grid(X-1,Y) = 1 and Grid(X,Y+1) = 1
IF Flow_Data( X-1 , Y+1 ) = -1 then Flow_Data( X-1 , Y+1 ) = current_number + 1 : temp_Places_count = temp_Places_count - 1
rem dottom
IF Flow_Data( X , Y+1 ) = -1 then Flow_Data( X , Y+1 ) = current_number + 1 : temp_Places_count = temp_Places_count - 1
rem dottom right
IF Grid(X+1,Y) = 1 and Grid(X,Y+1) = 1
IF Flow_Data( X+1 , Y+1 ) = -1 then Flow_Data( X+1 , Y+1 ) = current_number + 1 : temp_Places_count = temp_Places_count - 1
current_number = current_number + 1
Button_X = 500 : Button_Y = 300 : button_Width = 100 : button_height = 20
Draw_3D_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height , "Map Edit")
IF Mouse_Within_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height ) = 1 and mouseclick() = 1
Mode = 1
Button_X = 500 : Button_Y = 330 : button_Width = 100 : button_height = 20
Draw_3D_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height , "Start Pos")
IF Mouse_Within_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height ) = 1 and mouseclick() = 1
Mode = 2
Button_X = 500 : Button_Y = 360 : button_Width = 100 : button_height = 20
Draw_3D_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height , "Target Pos")
IF Mouse_Within_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height ) = 1 and mouseclick() = 1
Mode = 3
Button_X = 500 : Button_Y = 390 : button_Width = 100 : button_height = 20
Draw_3D_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height , "Start")
IF Mouse_Within_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height ) = 1 and mouseclick() = 1
start_stage_one = TIMER()
Gosub _path_finder
end_stage_one = TIMER()
Button_X = 500 : Button_Y = 420 : button_Width = 100 : button_height = 20
Draw_3D_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height , "Clear map")
IF Mouse_Within_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height ) = 1 and mouseclick() = 1
gosub _gen_Grid
Start_Pos(1) = 0 : Start_Pos(2) = 0
Target_pos(1) = 0 : Target_pos(2) = 0
FOR Y = 1 to 30
FOR X = 1 to 30
Flow_Data(X,Y) = 0
show_path = 0
Button_X = 500 : Button_Y = 450 : button_Width = 100 : button_height = 20
Draw_3D_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height , "Exit")
IF Mouse_Within_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height ) = 1 and mouseclick() = 1 then Cls 0 : sync : end
For X = 1 to 30
For Y = 1 to 30
Button_X = (x-1) * 16 : Button_Y = (y-1) * 16 : button_Width = 15 : button_height = 15
IF mode = 1
IF X > 1 and X < 30
IF Y > 1 and Y < 30
IF Mouse_Within_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height ) = 1 and mouseclick() = 1 then Grid(X,Y) = 0
IF Mouse_Within_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height ) = 1 and mouseclick() = 2 then Grid(X,Y) = 1
IF Mode = 2
IF Grid(X,Y) = 1
IF Mouse_Within_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height ) = 1 and mouseclick() = 1
Start_Pos(1) = X : Start_Pos(2) = Y
If mode = 3
if Grid(X,Y) = 1
IF Mouse_Within_button( Button_X , Button_Y , button_Width , button_height ) = 1 and mouseclick() = 1
Target_pos(1) = X : Target_pos(2) = Y
Next X
Next X
ink RGB(255,255,255) , 0
text 500 , 20 , "Path finder Flow"
text 500 , 40 , "Joseph Allen (ALIEN)"
IF Mode = 1 then text 500 , 60 , "mode: Map edit"
IF Mode = 2 then text 500 , 60 , "mode: Start Pos"
IF Mode = 3 then text 500 , 60 , "mode: Target Pos"
text 500 , 100 , "Start Pos X: " + str$( Start_Pos( 1 ) )
text 500 , 120 , "Start Pos Y: " + str$( Start_Pos( 2 ) )
text 500 , 140 , "Target Pos X: " + str$( Target_pos( 1 ) )
text 500 , 160 , "Target Pos Y: " + str$( Target_pos( 2 ) )
text 500 , 180 , "Stage 1 " + str$( end_stage_one - start_stage_one ) + " ms"
text 500 , 200 , "Stage 2 " + str$( end_stage_two - start_stage_two ) + " ms"
text 500 , 220 , "# of steps: " + str$( Flow_Data( Start_Pos( 1 ) , Start_Pos( 2 ) ) )
ink RGB(128,0,0) , 0
box 0 , 0 , 479 , 479
For X = 1 to 30
For Y = 1 to 30
IF Grid(X,Y) = 0 then ink RGB(0,0,0) , 0
IF Grid(X,Y) > 0 then ink RGB(128,128,128) , 0
Temp_X = (x-1) * 16 : Temp_Y = (y-1) * 16
box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
rem ink RGB(255,255,255) , 0 : text (x-1) * 16 , (y-1) * 16 , str$(Grid(X,Y,0))
IF X = Start_Pos(1) and Y = Start_Pos(2)
ink RGB(0,128,0) , 0
Temp_X = (x-1) * 16 : Temp_Y = (Y-1) * 16
Box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
IF X = Target_pos(1) and Y = Target_pos(2)
ink RGB(128,0,0) , 0
Temp_X = (x-1) * 16 : Temp_Y = (Y-1) * 16
Box Temp_X , Temp_Y , Temp_X + 14 , Temp_Y + 14
if spacekey() = 1
if Flow_Data(X,Y) >= 0
ink RGB(255,255,255) , 0 : text Temp_X , Temp_Y , str$( Flow_Data(X,Y) )
Next Y
Next X
for x=1 to 30
for y=1 to 30
if x=1 or x=30 or y=1 or y=30 then grid(x,y)=0
next y
next x
Dim Grid(30,30)
Dim Start_Pos(2)
Dim Target_pos(2)
Mode = 1
DIM Flow_Data(30,30)
show_path = 0
Function Draw_3D_button( X , Y , Width , Height , Text$ )
Ink rgb( 120 , 120 , 120 ) , 0 : Box X , Y , X + Width , Y + Height : rem Top left
ink rgb( 250 , 250 , 250 ) , 0 : Box X + 1 , Y + 1 , X + Width , Y + Height : rem bottom right
Ink rgb( 220 , 220 , 220 ) , 0 : box X + 1 , Y + 1 , X + Width - 1 , Y + Height - 1 : rem panel
Temp_text_X = X + (Width / 2)
Temp_Text_Y = Y + ((Height - 15) / 2)
Ink rgb(0,0,0),0 : CENTER TEXT Temp_text_X , Temp_Text_Y , Text$
Function Mouse_Within_button( X , Y , Width , Height )
YesORNo = 0
IF MouseX() >= X and MouseX() <= X + width and MOUSEY() >= Y and MOUSEY() <= Y + HEIGHT
YesORNo = 1
endfunction YesORNo
if you want to see the code in an rts game here is the link.
still working on the game.