Oxygen² is a framework/engine for First-Person games. The
framework contains a large scale of features that most
high-end games have.
If you want to create a good looking First-Person game, and
you have some DBP Programming skills, then this is something
for you!
LAST RELEASE: http://www.crystalis-corp.net/Oxygen.rar
Current Version: 2.10.14
Current feature list
.- CVAR System
.- String Functions
.- Console (Steam-Like)
.- Co²Scripting system
.- Input-Device Events (bind keys by console cmd)
.- Multiple Map extension support(.3DS/.X/.DBO)
.- Lightmap support
.- High-End Screen FX
.- Refraction objects
.- Trigger system
.- Timer Events
.- Interactive Objects (switches, buttons, etc.)
.- Newton Physics
.- System2Performance Module
.- Bitmap fonts
.- FPS-Chat system
.- Advanced Timer System
.- Enhanced Music System
.- MotionBlur on fast look-around.
Features to be added in the future
.- Camera Portals (Like the game 'portal') - still doing some research.
Aborted. Due to cam bugs in DBPro, this cannot be done.
.- Node-Waypoint System (for moving objects, like, Planes, birds, AI, etc.)
Screenshots from 2.10.14 (latest release)
Menu/Intro screen
The motionblur effect when looking around really fast
Known bugs at current release:
- Console'close' button stays visible sometimes.
- Windows Vista HARD_END on program exit.
- When looking though 2 glasses at the same time, the 2nd and above glass will not be rendered.
Release notes:
The menu-options 'settings' and 'credits' are unavailable. This
release shows you the environment quality of the engine as it is
at this state of development.
More to come...
Play guide:
W/S/A/D ......... Move around
SHIFT ........... Run faster
SPACE ........... JUMP
Mouse 1.......... Interact/Activate/Toggle switch
F8 .............. Open Console
In the 1st map, you'll need to find the 'hidden' trigger.
A trigger in those terms means that when you are at a sertain
location, something will happen. You cannot see where it is
during gameplay, so you'll have to search for it.
Once you found the hidden trigger, you will proceed to the next
map. The following map demonstrates Textures+Lightmaps+Refraction maps at the same time.
Nothing can be done in the 2nd map, just look around if you want.
Once you reached the 2nd map, press F8 and type 'disconnect'.
This will get you retunred to the main menu screen.
Current release :
I'm closing this subject. Making a game with the current engine with some additions.
The source code of this release will be released in a few days.
Expect a week at most.
Oh PS: I bought myself a nice webhost
- : aXeon Essentials : -