... sort of a sequel to Wet Dwarf
still banging away at the lil OO engine i'm working on for my game... after many hours of stupidness (i didn't realize that i was using the same vector spaces in different classes, and that's why my latest addition wasn't working right), i finally got the fog enabled bump shader (Green Gandalf's work) into the engine, and working well with the water shader...
i wound up adding a utility method to the game class that acts as a vector factory of sorts, similar to thing i did for objects, to take care of requests for vectors...
i've still gotta tweak the shader fog effect with the global fog so that it looks seamless...
after that, then i've gotta figure some way to integrate shadowing of some sort... then maybe i'll have enough in place to actually start putting in some game parts...
in the meantime, i guess i just have to imagine that the lil floating sphere is a submarine