Now Im always one to look for interesting places where fpsc has been used. I was pretty pleased when my find of fpsc being used in a VR application made the newsletter.
Well Ive found another place fpsc has turned up, wait for it, a FPSC sex game, can you believe it
From the games site--------------
Sex Station 7 is the first ever all adult XXX explicit first person shooter. Play all the filthy explicit FPS action immediately on your windows based PC.
Your goal is to help the girls of Sex Station 7 escape the clutches of the Alpha Ministries oppresive genetic engineering program. New Chapters of interactive sex games await you every month.
Im not linking the site, in case I get into trouble with the mods. Its called
So you can find it yourselves, warning, it has sexual images on the page, so if you find it, its your bag.
I bet this one doesn't make the newsletter, then again, who knows